July 29th marked Gabe and my 4 year anniversary and Macy's 7 month birthday! What a day! We started with my very good friend Jamie and her son Mason coming over to stock up on home-made baby food.
After making loads of baby food, and having some lunch, Jamie and Mason left and Mom and Katie and I headed to Hovander Park in Ferndale. This place is so beautiful. I haven't been in years and it was just like I remembered. It was a perfect day to head to the park! We saw a bald eagle driving in and then enjoyed everything else. They have gorgeous gardens, animals and several fun buildings.

Macy was checking out Mom's jewelry... :)

Katie, Macy and I. Check out that view of Mt Baker! Gorgeous!
Playtime in the shade... Then when Macy hit the wall we headed home to do the trade off. Mom took Macy home with her, Katie went too, and I headed to grab a pizza so Gabe and I could celebrate our anniversary when he got home!
Gabe and I headed to Boulevard Park, where we went on our first date and had a ball. It was a PERFECT night to just sit, ALONE!!!! and chat, enjoy each other's company and relax. I loved it!!!! We had pizza, played backgammon and people watched. Our first "date" in a very long time.
My perfect date: Gabe, pizza, a game, nice weather, being outside... Couldn't have been any better!

We even saw this couple doing who knows what moves. Gabe thought they were ice skaters. We couldn't help laughing about how in Bellingham parks people just randomly start doing gymnastics. Happens every time. This time, I caught some on film!

Happy 4 year anniversary honey. I appreciate all you do for our family and all the little ways you show me you love me. This has been a very big year for us and the best so far as we welcomed Macy into our family!!! She reminds me of you in so many ways and I'm so thankful you gave her to me! I'll love you forever.