Saturday, July 30, 2011

A random day of fun!

Pioneer Days were going on in Ferndale and although Gabe was working, he told me I should bring Macy since he remembers them being really fun as a kid. We went, and were a little too ambitious (got there around 9:30 and it didn't even begin until 10:30) so we spent the morning checking out a "new" park! Macy is CRAZY for the park. She wakes up some days and says, "Walk? Wee? (meaning slide)." We have two kid's areas in our development super close to our house and Macy loves to play there. This was a random park in Ferndale and Macy had a great time figuring out all the new things.

It took her about 7 tries to get over this bridge crawling before she figured out she could walk across it just fine! The funny part was, several older boys were there and when they watched her crawl across, they all crawled across!

It was warming up by 10:30 and Macy was winding down for a nap so we went to Mom and Dad's since it was closer to Ferndale and I had my heart set on bringing Macy to Hovander Park later that day. When she woke up Mom and Katie said they wanted to come too, so we all headed to see what we could see at the park.

The highlight for Macy was the goats for sure. I think she is going to go crazy at the fair this summer! She kept saying, "Goat!" They were friendly little guys, too, and came right over to her.

Macy loves to "smell" flowers right now. She breathes out through her nose, but thinks she is smelling them. It's pretty cute! Look at her dainty hand. She loved this dahlia garden.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Happy 5 Year Anniversary Baby!

Today I woke up as usual, fed Macy breakfast, snuggled her during Elmo's World (which we have set on our DVR since she is CRAZY for Elmo, seriously has a crush on that poor fuzzy creature), and played with her downstairs while Gabe slept in. He was going to go work overtime today I thought, but had talked about staying home today and maybe taking Macy to the park so I could have some "me" time this morning.

I was eying the clock lowering my expectations since he wasn't ready before 9:30 AM and Macy naps at 11 AM. He asked me if she was ready to go, and they headed to the park.

I did a little Christmas looking online for about 5 minutes before deciding to spend my time a little more wisely and got my rear on the treadmill. It was DELIGHTFUL being alone, watching one of my shows, walking. My back has been acting up the last couple days and walking seems to be the one thing that really helps. I finished my walk, was just taking out the vacuum cleaner to finish the house cleaning I started yesterday and Gabe walked in. I thought, well, time's up but maybe I can get something done during nap time. He asked if I would get Macy out of the car since she was almost asleep so I go out to get her and...the car is empty. I about had a heart attack before remembering she can't get herself out of her car-seat. I met Gabe at the door and said, "Where is our baby?!?!" And he replied, "You're OFF until tomorrow. She's staying with your Mom and Katie overnight, Happy Anniversary! You can do anything you want today, we have dinner reservations at 5:45 PM at the Hearthfire Grill in Bellingham and we don't have to get Macy until tomorrow after you've slept in."

I didn't know what to do with myself!!!! I have NEVER been surprised with that kind of alone time since she has been born. I did go to ID to see my girlfriend, and have gotten get-aways with Gabe, but never been home, and able to do anything I want for an entire day and night. It was the thrill of a lifetime! I wanted to shout, (In a true William Wallace fashion), "FREEDOM!"

I started with asking Gabe to watch the last two episodes of "The Deadliest Catch" with me, which we've been meaning to do for over a week. We then divided and conquered, Gabe going to get estimates for new tires on the CRV and I got to vacuum my ENTIRE house, corners, stairs, rugs, closets, ALL of it. Now, most of you probably think this is not a fun thing to do. For me? Alone? Best day ever. I haven't had my house this clean since Macy has been born! Yesterday I had all kinds of energy and cleaned until I couldn't stand it any more and then today put in another 3+ hours and wowza am I feeling good!!! I then showered, and headed off to do about 6 errands that would have taken me a week to accomplish with Macy. What a treat. Gabe and I just got back from eating a delicious dinner and it is 8 PM. I have no bath to give, no milk to warm, no dishes to do, no laundry to fold.

What I love the most about today is that Gabe said he really thought about what I would want for an anniversary present this year. He knows what a special thing it is for me to have days to re-charge and do things I want to do rather than things I need to do. I SO appreciate his thoughtfulness and this break! I love that man of mine. For his thoughtfulness, company, friendship, loyalty, laughter, partnership, hard-working nature, and his kindness. Until death do us part. :)

Our real anniversary is tomorrow...can't believe it's been 5 years!

Monday, July 25, 2011

A new Fairy Godmother Heather outfit!

My friend Heather sent this little number (including the bracelets and headband) because she thought Macy had to wear it. :) Love it all, Heath!

Look who's using a plate and fork!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mason and Macy: Splashing Buddies!

Macy is in the process of being weaned to one nap a day. She spent last week sleeping 9 am-11 or 11:30am and then wouldn't sleep at all in the afternoon. After days of battling this, and realizing at least on Sundays she doesn't get to nap until 11 am at the earliest and survives, it's time for one nap a day that doesn't start before 11 am every day of the week!

Today was the best so far. She slept in, we spent the morning doing chores at home, then hit Albertons during her usual nap time so she was distracted and happy, came home, got her blankie out of the dryer and she went down for a 2 and a half hour nap like a perfect little girl! When she got up, it was off to the McConkeys for a MUCH overdue playtime with her friend Mason!!!!!!

It wasn't super hot out, but after these two soaked each other in their clothes, we decked them out in swimming gear so they could splash away. I've never put those swimmer diapers on Macy before today. We had to borrow one!

Macy got this swimsuit from her wonderful babysitter Anna. I laugh every time I see it! SO darling!
These two play so good together. Mason is very patient and fun and loves to have a buddy around. He says "Macy" perfectly and she gets a kick out of being around him. :)
Our little goof balls. :)

Macy has been doing this to my parent's dog, Brodie a lot lately. I thought it was funny Mason does it to his dog Hurley too.

Just to show how little our "babies" still are. Or how HUGE Hurley is. :)

Macy had a blast playing today- thanks for the super fun time and the pooped out little girl who barely made it through her bath tonight awake! :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My girl likes her jewelry!

I have been working on cleaning out our spare room to make room for our new little girl. It is a BIG job figuring out where everything is going to go, what to keep, reorganize, chuck, etc. I found this basket of bracelets in there today and remembered hiding them from Macy when she was in the eating everything mode and I was afraid she would choke on the beads.

It didn't take more than 2 seconds for her to realize she had hit the jackpot. She spent about 40 minutes putting every single bracelet on!!!!
How many bracelets are too many, really?

She got up when she was done and talked to this picture frame of her cousin triplets like she was showing them how pretty she looked. SO cute!

Then she danced for awhile. I love my girly girl!

Playdate with Harper and a shopping trip.

A couple days ago Macy started parroting words back. It is so funny to hear her say things like, "Harper," "Big Buck," and "elbow"! Harps came over with Holly for a visit yesterday and we had a great visit while the girls played together. They are pretty different personality-wise, but into the same stuff for sure.

After nap-time, it was off to Haggen to get some groceries. I remembered a friend telling me once that the bakery there gives out free cookies to kids and I thought, "Why not?" Macy LOVED this shopping trip! I can see why they have some seriously loyal customers. I have to admit I snuck a crumb of this cookie and it was DELICIOUS. Macy ate the whole thing!!!! I was hoping she would leave me some! No way.

Doesn't she look proud of herself?