Sunday, May 30, 2010
More with the Burtons...
Friday, May 28, 2010
Heather's in town!
My best friend Heather is in town this weekend for her birthday. We had such a great day celebrating a day early! I took her downtown Fairhaven to a super fun place called "Creativitea" to paint pottery. Somehow, I was having too good a time to remember to take pictures. I'll have to get the final product when I pick them up next week. SO fun. It was like therapy. We both did bread/cracker-cheese plates and I used lace for a pattern, Heather stenciled an iris.
Then we smuggled lunch into a theater and I saw a movie for the first time in over 6 months! So fun!
Mom had Macy this whole time, which was lovely, and we picked her up and headed to Heather's parent's house for dinner. Steve had made a delicious dinner (steak, baked potatoes, green salad and a cake!) This always impresses me when men cook :) Macy, being the angel she is, had a nice nap right on the floor during dinner. Steve made this cake, people, and even picked out the flowers! Vicki is in CA taking care of her Mom and we missed her terribly. Thursday, May 27, 2010
Macy and Bailey
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Dinner with Grandpa and Ta-ta!
I am so annoyed I didn't get a full body shot of Macy's outfit. It's from Ellie and I LOVE IT! The leggings are so darling, I have to get a picture of her wearing them!
Gabe is on his week off (which he worked overtime the first two days of) and yesterday and today babysat Macy while I did little get-aways or "me-times" as my friend calls them. Yesterday was a massage, today a pedicure! Both were lovely and it was good for me to get away and equally as good for Macy and her Daddy to have alone time together. He leaves for a mini guy trip tomorrow to Portland so Macy and I will be alone for the next couple days. I am all rested and relaxed and ready to get back to pampered-free life! Ha!

It's been super nice having Gabe around to talk to, help out around the house, beat at Yahtzee, watch Macy...just family stuff that we haven't been able to enjoy in months. I love that man! Funny how being a shift-worker's wife means learning how to adjust from complete independence to partial dependence every week. We are getting better at it, it's been almost 4 years!
How adorable is this hat my Mom brought by today??? Her super sweet and baby loving co-worker Mary Anne made it for Macy!!! I just love it, so cute and it fits perfect! Thank you Mary Anne!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Daddy and Macy reading together...
Friday, May 21, 2010
Macy's Room updated!
So I get this thing yesterday thinking, how hard can it be to put together?
I always forget that technology, building, visualizing, ... Those things are my kryptonite. I am good at a lot of stuff, but putting together random furniture of any kind is out of my realm of possibility.
Thank goodness my Dad is awesome and can figure anything out! (He's actually a lot like me in the visual learner department, but he's learned to bypass the Chinese instructions and just follow the picture on the box). Gabe has been working non-stop and after 15+ days straight of 4 am- 7 pm days, the last thing he wants to tackle in his one-hour-at-home-awake-time is a project of any kind! Gotta love that my Dad "gets" this and helps me in any way I need, anytime.
Two notes. My sister has already told me to change out the "creepy" baby pictures that aren't Macy on the frame... I'll do that pronto, Kates, I promise! Also, the $5.00... Gabe and my Dad have a standing joke ever since Dad gave Macy her purse with a dollar in it. Every time we come home from my parents and Gabe talks to my Dad, he'll ask why he didn't give Macy a dollar...? Earlier this week Dad pinned a dollar bill onto Macy and Gabe thought it was the funniest thing. He called and said the jokes over, he's embarrassed, Dad doesn't need to give our child money. So, of course, Dad left a 5 dollar bill today. :)
*Tanya, do you see the basket that I LOVE that I've been waiting to display? So cute!
Macy's Jumperoo
Grandiflora is Grand!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Harps
Monday, May 17, 2010
A visiting Monday
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Our Wednesday.
Today we saw my friend Holly and her daughter Harper and the picture above is Macy checking out Harper's exersaucer. Macy has one of these, but not quite as flashy. She thought she was pretty hot stuff playing in this thing!

Macy's at a tricky age for toys... She is kinda done on the lay and play, or only likes it for 15 minutes or so and then wants to be UP, but she's too little for most of the jump around toys. I'm still looking for the exact thing Jamie had for Mason (which she BORROWED) but don't really want to buy one. I borrowed two more things today from a great friend, but have my eye out for the tropical, three stand, Jump-a-Roo. I think Macy is seriously spoiled. Officially!
After seeing Holly and Harper, we headed to Auntie Kate to show off Macy's outfit and for a DELICIOUS lunch with Kates and my Dad. Pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, green salad and chocolate cupcakes. YUM! Then, Katie watched Macy while I went and got a massage. What a great day!

Two little peas in a pod. :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Anyone know of a good Jump-a-Roo for cheap or to borrow? Macy sat in a borrowed one at her friend Mason's house and it was just where she is at. I don't want to spend $70 on a new one...
Monday, May 10, 2010
Macy and her Mimi
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