Today we visited Nathan Korthuis, a friend who was in a really terrible motorcycle accident a month ago. He had TONS of injuries, and we have been praying for a quick and complete recovery. He is doing remarkably well, and healing a little more every day. Macy and I stopped by to bring some smiles, and it was a party! She gave Nathan a scared face right after I snapped this pic, and Mimi had to calm her down. We'll have to visit more often!

Thank you cousin Heidi for this ExerSaucer! Macy loves it! She is in a phase where she plays for about 15 min with something and then needs to switch it up. Thank goodness everyone has been so generous about gifting, giving or loaning toys. What do people do without them? :)
YES - you will HAVE to visit more often. Week days don't bring many visitors and it really helps Nathan - so come anytime! We love you and Macy (and Gabe too) and enjoy time spent with you!