Thursday, March 10, 2011

Macy's like her Grandpa and loves...LES SCHWAB!

LES SCHWAB has been a family joke for years. When my Dad discovered this place, he fell in love with it. The customer service, the FREE patching of tires and the friendly workers, POPCORN- he pointed them out wherever we went. Oregon, WA, on vacation...Dad would point and say, "There's LES SCHWAB!" :)

I have to admit that the first time I got a flat, I fell in love with this place, too. Who else is that nice and does you such a huge favor for free? They have my business for life. My car's tires have been having air pressure issues this week and Gabe discovered a nail in one so I brought Macy with me yesterday while Gabe was working and got it fixed.

Macy thought she was in heaven!
I think we did 20 laps through every single row of tires in the 10 minutes it took them to fix my tire. :) Macy loved these tires.
She was running down the aisles and then discovered she could touch the tires!
I think she touched every single one she could reach in that store. The guys were laughing at her. Who knew LES SCHWAB=best destination for a 14 month old ever?!


  1. One of those HAS to be a "framer" for your Dad's office!

  2. Tanya- you are SO right!!! Moll, I'm thinking Father's day?!! I can't believe she's running... hugs!xxx
