Heather picked me up from the airport on Thursday, May 26 and we went out to lunch and out to dinner, the next day we hit the spa and did everything they offered!!! Body scrubs, facials, massages, manicures, pedicures...the works! It was such a blast being off Mommy duty and spending such quality time with my friend. Heather is pregnant with their first, due exactly one month after me!!!! I realized on this trip how incredibly fun it is while pregnant to eat out for nearly every meal and have a menu of options!
Oh yes, and this is Rich and Heather's house. Aka Bed & Breakfast straight out of a Pottery Barn magazine. :) This house is unbelievable! SO big and beautiful, I had my own wing! The first picture shows what it looks like standing in the kitchen, the one above is when you turn around.
This picture is the other side of the kitchen.
This is the MOVIE THEATER downstairs!!!! We watched the American Idol finale in this room, and I have to tell you, it was the best tv experience of my life!
Stadium seating!!!
This was MY bathroom. I had a shower that had two heads, and was at least 10 feet tall.
Funny part of the house tour was when I told Heather my favorite room. She was expecting the theater, the wine room, the morning room, the kitchen. Nope. It was the laundry room! She said I'm the first person to ever say that!