The girls were great on the way over, and actually both took naps over the pass! We got to Heidi's and the other two girls went down for naps and when they got up it was snack time! I grabbed my camera because it's rare to get 5 children sitting down. :) Before we knew it, it was time to leave for hair cuts!
Lisa cuts Heidi's hair, and has cut Luke's in the past so Heidi thought it was time for the girls to get their hair cut "officially." We were in this little room, it must have been 100 degrees in there and just look at the swarm of kids!!! They all did pretty good, and Lisa had all three girls in and out of that chair in 15 minutes flat.

Heidi and Macy Megan! Which, by the way, is the only thing the girls called her all weekend. They were CRAZY for Macy! Soo sweet and helpful with her, yet Macy prefers Luke.
Abbie went first...
Annie second...
Ellie third.
I thought this pic was so cute of their freshly cut hair. They were so proud and darling!
Abbie Leanne, Ellie Shea, and Annie Jane!
Saturday morning during breakfast prep Sharon yelled, "Kodak moment!" Sure enough. :) During breakfast we were talking about all the different scenarios to get Luke and Heidi to the parade an hour early and the rest of us there on time and Andy had the brilliant idea to just take everyone early in the motor home! (It is easier said than done to get 9 of us ready and out the door and pack a motor home and everything you need for a parade in 45 minutes). Believe it or not it worked perfectly! The girls all had boosters and car seats at the table.

When we got there Heidi and Luke met up with the preschool people, and Andy parked about 10 feet from where the parade would be. He set up all our chairs right by the rope and we got to wait in the motor home where it was warm, safe, clean with plenty of room for the kids! It was Macy's nap time and we were snuggling and Annie snuggled right in too. She was working the blanket situation all weekend! She LOVES her blanket like Macy's ladybug one, but only gets it in her crib so it was a HUGE treat whenever I pulled Macy's out Annie would say, "Snuggle?" ...and come right over. I loved it! Macy took a nap in the motor home bunk above the driver's seat while the girls watched people get seated out the back window with Sharon.
It worked perfect! Look at Abbie's face! So excited! The girls had a rope that they knew they couldn't pass and they loved hanging on to it and cheering for all the bands, floats, cars and trucks. Such a fun thing.
Me with Macy.
Ellie, Abbie, Annie.

Can you see Luke? :)
When the parade ended, it was lunchtime so we took the 'ol motor home to Costco since it's tradition to have hot dogs after a parade.
The kids stayed in with Heidi and I and Sharon and Andy shopped. Luke said of this picture, "Macy needed a lift."
I wish it were more practical to just drive a motor home everywhere. Seriously. Pregnant and a clean bathroom wherever you go? Room for Macy to play? Sleep? Roam? Change a diaper? Or 4? :) No problem!
Heidi and Macy in the Master Bedroom.
When we got home, all 5 kids went down for a loooong nap, Heidi and I were able to run to the best store in Wenatchee called "Real Deals" and then home again in time for a little field trip to the backyard to see the new project Andy has going. They are building a greenhouse!

Macy and I brought these gloves for Luke and he really liked them. I took a few pictures of him looking "fierce."

At this point I was ready to move out of the rocks. Macy wasn't. :)

All ready for church Sunday morning!
It was a weekend full of memories! I really love spending time with Heidi and Andy and the kids. It's always a hilarious trip full of stories to tell when we get home. It also makes me very thankful that God knows what He's doing. Heidi and Andy are such a testament to that verse that says God never gives us more than we can handle. Just one full day in Heidi's life and I am SO exhausted. It's a different world, I'll tell you that. Not only did we cram haircuts, a parade/Costco trip/bar-b-que for 30, and church into 3 days, Heidi doesn't complain, or pass off anything. She just laughs and makes jokes and never sits down until 7:30 PM. She is such an encouragement to me about what it looks like to have a positive attitude and make every day count. I'm blessed to have her in my life.
Thanks for everything Gales!
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