Weight: 11 lbs 5.5 ozs (10th percentile)
Height: 24 3/4 in (80th percentile)
Head: 30th percentile
She is small, but mighty and right on track developmentally! We started rice cereal tonight and Katie came over to get it on the flip camera...I can't get the video uploaded on here! It's on facebook, though, and VERY cute, so check it out if you have a minute. She did great! About 5 little bites and made a huge mess, but it was adorable. Today when Gabe heard we had the go ahead to start, he said, "I can't believe Macy is old enough to eat anything off a spoon!" I know how he feels. Has it really been 4 months since she came into this world?
I have to say having Macy was the best thing Gabe and I have ever done. The world got sweeter the day she was born and every day is more special because she's in it. We are so thankful for our precious daughter!