One of Gabe's best friends, Matt Bowen, died in the accident leaving hundreds of people missing him including his wonderful wife Rachel and their two kids, Mikaylyn (6) and Landon (3). Yesterday was Matt's funeral and it was an amazing ceremony. Along with about 700 people, a beautiful slide show and many who shared what Matt meant to them, an airplane flew over the parking lot as we exited showering the crowd with paper hearts that read, "Hugs and Kisses, Love, Daddy." It was the most memorable and fitting tribute to a man who had no enemies. It's an incredible thing to die at 31 and make that kind of an impact in your workplace, community and home. Everyone loved Matt. Today is the first day I haven't cried about the whole thing. I finally feel like I should turn the sadness into some joy. I want to love my husband deeper, and savor my family and kiss my daughter with an urgency I haven't felt before now.
We really don't know how long we have on this earth. It's time to get your priorities right. Jesus should be the one thing that matters most!!!
We love you Matt, and miss you terribly. We love you Rachel.
Molly, it soulds like such a blessing to have known Matt and his friendship is something you and Gabe will carry for the rest of your lives. It's having friendships like that, that get us ready like Craig said yesterday in the sermon.