Saturday was Dying Easter Egg Day. This is a lost tradition for the VK family and we were all very excited to start it back up again this year since there are quite a few eligible egg hunters, including the triplets! So weird to think Macy will be toddling like them next Easter... This picture is a fake. I didn't even touch the dye this year. We were doing Macy's 3 month photo shoot in the next room about 3 min before this picture. :)

Bryce, Katie and I had a picture of us each holding a triplet last August. I'll have to dig it up for a comparison post sometime. It's an absolute miracle how far these girls have come. Makes me cry!

Bryce holding Abbie, I am holding Ellie, Katie is holding Annie (and Luke!)...

My wonderful cousin Heidi. I've posted about her before, but can't stress what an amazing encourager and friend she is to me. Heidi cares about others more than herself. She is so awesome. I love her!!!!

Annie playing with my hair. She is so gentle and sweet. Still my special triplet. :)

The dyeing crew! My cousin Larry Shea, his daughter Erin Taylor, Bryce and Katie. Luke did a lot of work, too, I think they were gone when I took this!

My political family had to do an Obama and Palin? egg... So funny.
Emily mentioned that we haven't dyed eggs for a while - I'm surprised she noticed! Maybe they do pay attention to traditions!