Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gerry and Jan!

This is my Dad's brother, Gerald's family picture from Christmas this year. Gerald and Jan have two daughters, my cousins, Crystal and Kara Van Kooten! (Kara is on the left, Crystal on the right). I love this family! They are so much fun, and we always laugh and have great chats when they are visiting. These are our most schooled and educated family members. :) They are incredibly smart, all of them. Gerald is a life-long geologist and now teaches Geology at Calvin College, Jan is a musical genius. Crystal is getting her PhD, & Kara is a Physical Therapist.
In case you've never seen them all, this is my Dad with his three brothers and Mom. The birth order goes: Jerry, Gerald, Dad then Craig.

Gerald and Jan are visiting on their way to Alaska for the summer and wanted to see Macy so Katie went with us for a little visit and I snapped some pictures. She was pretty much in love with Jan... :)

Macy loves Grandma Van Kooten. I think it's mutual. :) They played together and laughed together and Macy had a good nap after this visit. She loves people!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics! and cute baby! wish I was there to say hello, but looks like you guys are having a great time! Crystal
