Gabe got a new kitten for Father's Day! It was an ordeal to figure out how to surprise him! Thanks so much to the Korthuis family (Katie for picking him up, Emily for wrangling him, Jan for letting us borrow Max's carrier and the rest for keeping the secret for so long!) Katie brought him to Mom and Dad's where we were all having dinner and I brought him in and Gabe was completely surprised and loved it. Gabe named the kitty "Rufus." He said, "His name is Rufus and we can call him Rufus the Doofus." :)

Then, naturally, Macy grabbed Rufus in the face. A full-on grab and the kitty didn't even scratch her!

So hand's down the funniest part of the day was after Gabe's 8th trip to the garage to check on his new kitty, he brought him in to show Grammy and Grandpa and decided (foolishly) to introduce the kitty WHILE HE WAS HOLDING HIM to Mom and Dad's dog, Brody. Big mistake. The cat took one look at the dog and made this "POOF" sound, hissed, freaked out, started scratching and biting Gabe like crazy, Gabe's yelling, my Dad is laughing like a hyena, Mom's saying, "Get the dog out of here Ken!!!" Dad's ignoring her, Grammy's muttering, "Oh dear," I'm hoping Gabe doesn't drop the cat since it would take off and we'd never find it in my parent's house since it would have hid behind a fridge somewhere for a good 3 years. Thankfully Gabe held on to him for dear life, and got MANGLED. Mom patched him up with some huge Band-Aids and warned him against something called, "Cat-Scratch Fever" which later Gabe and I admitted to never having heard about before today. Gabe actually thought about calling mom with Cat-Like Symptoms like craving cat-nip asking her if he had it... So funny. Dad was ROLLING watching Gabe scramble with that cat. I have to admit I laughed pretty hard too. Especially when I realized it was Gabe's fault for showing him the dog in the first place!

Macy also gave her Daddy a handprint in a frame. :)

Here she is with some of her favorite men. This is my Mom's Dad, my Dad and Macy's Dad! For some reason, she smiles instantly for all of them. Look at her face! Her Daddy, her Grandpa Ken, and her Great-Grandpa Boyd. Pretty special picture on Father's Day.

Dear Gabe,
I know you were nervous about becoming a father. I remember when we found out I was pregnant and throughout my pregnancy you would look at me and suddenly say, "We're having a baby! We're really doing this!" and then wipe away the sweat that would appear on your forehead. I should have known you would be a natural. The things that make you such a wonderful Daddy to Macy are your tender heart, your unconditional loyalty and limit-less love. You are complete mush with your daughter and that started the moment she was born. I know you look back on December 29, 2009 as the best day of your life because you became a Father that day! Macy smiled first at you and continues to absolutely melt whenever she sees you. I love watching the bond you have with her grow. Your nightly walks around the neighborhood, the special games you play with her (Snort Monster & Earthquake), and the voice you use with her and the way you refer to your "Munkers" makes my heart squeeze with all the love that rushes in. I cry thinking about how much you love her and what you would do to protect her. She is so blessed to have YOU for her Daddy. Thank you for all you do and who you are!!!!!!
We love you.
All my heart,
ooops- sorry Gabe - didn't know you were going to expose kitty to a BIG DOG!! :-) Hope you're ok! Treat that kitty with lots of love or you'll be answering to Emmy!! Happy Father's Day - Macy is blessed to have you as her daddy!!