A new favorite toy in our house is this Leap Frog table that Macy can pull herself up to play with. She stands there alone, all wobbly and just grins and dances and sings and is sooo happy. She wants to be UP!

A couple days ago I got a package from my friend Heather with this adorable baby girl zebra cardigan/sweater. I love it! It's one of those super snuggly things that keep her warm. We had to get a few shots of how cute it is. Good thing Macy was in the posing mood.

Pink is her color. :)

On a side note, I was in the church nursery today holding a SCREAMING baby, praising the Lord that I don't have one of those, and I looked into his mouth and saw about 10 teeth coming in at once. It was a mouth FULL of swollen gums and little white nubs. Poor little guy. He's about 3 months younger than Macy and as I sat there I went. . .gulp. . . maybe it's not such a bad thing to have an almost 10 month old with no signs of a tooth! Ha!
Agreed!!! The poor little guy fell asleep HARD about 10 minutes after you left, he needed a nap!