So we missed Luke terribly, but went on a mini field trip to "The Boy's House" as we affectionately call it. Heidi's brothers Jed and KC live about a 1/2 mile from Andy and Heidi and KC's dog Maggie had 9 Golden Retriever Puppies 5 weeks ago and we HAD to see them!
Mimi's with their babies! You know, girls are really outnumbering the boys in these families! The pictures really speak for themselves. Unless you have a heart of stone, they will have you smiling!

See how the girls are coming to rescue Macy? :)

Jed was very sweet with the girls. He let them each have a turn kissing a puppy. This is Annie...

Abbie's turn!

And Ellie Bell.
Really, is there anything cuter?

Here's when Mom had a great idea to put the pups in a wheelbarrow...then the kids!!! :)
She hated it! They were nipping her and she didn't like it!
I took a bunch of pics so KC can use them to sell these babies! ($300 for males, $350 for females if you're interested!) I couldn't decide on the cutest pic so I'm posting them all. :) These puppies were born on KC's 29th birthday. He's so cute with them!

Loove this one.

ALL the girls!
KC and Macy. One time Luke said, "KC and Macy. Hey! That rhymes!"

Macy, impersonating a dog.

The girls got apples out of the orchard for the walk home. What an awesome day.
WARNING: May ruin all the cute-ness you just saw.
So KC shot a deer that morning and showed us. I was so sicked out. Have you ever seen a gutted deer? Ewwww! I eat meat, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to see how I get that meat! It was a joke that we showed Macy LIFE and DEATH in the same day!!!!! She wasn't phased at all. I think she wanted to pet the deer, actually.

Love this day! We had so much fun! Too bad we didn't get a picture of our shopping trip to "Real Deals" ha! Love you tons!