We did an egg hunt for Macy. It was a little crazy, I think 100 eggs or so for a 1 year old, is that a lot? :) It was hilarious watching Macy gather eggs, take a break, wave at everyone...get some more eggs. She LOVED being outside! It was a GORGEOUS day, I think 74 degrees at one point which was such a nice change from the last, oh...8 months straight of gloom!

My cousin Eli rolled the eggs around. Can you see them? They're everywhere!
We even dressed alike!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter 2011!
Friday, April 22, 2011
A Surprise Party...FOR ME!
Instead, she let me drive Mom's car because of my extreme car sickness these days and told me she would tell me where to turn. I didn't ask one question. Probably because I was so darn wiped out, but I was really excited to be hanging out with my sis, too.
We got all the way to Northwest Road and she's like, "You probably have figured out by now we're going to Mom and Dad's." I thought, "Whatever! Maybe we're going to go through Katie's closet and I'm going to score some clothes." We pull into the driveway and I look at all the cars and recognize Tanya's and said, "Are they having a women's ministries meeting tonight?" Then I spy what I KNOW is Holly's car (bright yellow) and said, "What is going on?"
I walk in to the most supportive (local) women in my life right now yelling, "SURPRISE!" I was blown away! Katie and Mom planned the whole thing and tracked down all the numbers and everyone was able to shuffle childcare and work and make it to surprise me and shower me with love. It was such a blast! They all told funny stories about me, we played games, we ate, I opened presents, we laughed and laughed... It was so much fun and such a great party.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
11 weeks toward 11-11-11
It's Thursday, April 21st, 2011 and I'm 11 weeks pregnant. I've been really sick. Although every day is a little different, and distractions/obligations seem to help me "buck up," I am nauseous every day and have lost count of the barfing episodes. :) I'm sure you wanted to know that! It's frustrating since I'm going on a month of not feeling like myself and it's so different this time having Macy to take care of, instead of just staying in bed all day if I feel like it (like I did while pregnant with Macy!) As far as I can remember, this pregnancy is exactly the same as my first. A chocolate craving even kicked in the other day and that was something I couldn't get enough of with Macy. Please pray for me, that the next week or two is the last of this nausea and I'm soon having some energy again.
I helped teach another coupon class last night which was a great time. Over 60 people were there and it was great to get re-inspired myself and take Macy to "Our Rite Aid" this morning and get some great deals. I'm hitting Target after nap-time (for both of us)!
Gabe's off all weekend and although we're skipping Good Friday service since it starts at Macy's bedtime, we're really looking forward to celebrating the resurrection on Saturday with my family and Macy's first Easter Egg Hunt (be watching for pictures!) and then having Easter Sunday all together.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Auntie Kate's Home!!!!
Next stop was Boomer's Burgers with my Dad for lunch.

With Auntie Kate, anything goofy goes. :)

We stopped by and interrupted Katie's practicing and Macy lounged while listening to some opera. She loves when Katie sings, then again, who doesn't?
Notice her feet? I think opera relaxes this baby girl. They say Mozart is good for the mind, right?
Friday, April 8, 2011
I'm 30!
At 20 I was living in CA with a roommate. I was working as a dental assistant for a Dr I loved (and still do, he was the best boss I've ever had) and a staff that I was very close to. I had earned a 1 year degree from the Technical College and was attending Junior College part-time to work towards an AA degree. I was attended a huge church that I loved, and had lots of friends. I was also broke. I desperately wanted to get married and start a family and there was no one around me that fit that bill! I didn't have a 4 year degree, and although I loved the people I worked with, wasn't doing my dream job. I also missed nearly every single important holiday and event at home which really got to me after 3 years away.
I think about my life now, at 30 and feel so thankful. I am married to the man of my dreams. I have a beautiful, healthy daughter whom I adore and another baby on the way! I get to do my dream job- stay at home with Macy and love on her all day every day. Our family is the best ever. I have my teaching degree and some experience under my belt. I am spoiled daily by tons of close friends with encouragement, laughter, companionship, support, prayer and love. I'm very involved in church and am growing spiritually. Gabe and I live in an awesome house that we own! I have a car that has a heater!
Why would I want to be anything younger and take away any of THIS?? Bring it on, 30, I've never been happier!
Today was one of those days that I feel overwhelmed with all the people that love me. Truly, one of the best birthdays ever. Besides facebook, (which is the BEST on your birthday) I had people sing to me 4 times, 1 of those included my husband and daughter, I had about 6 lovely conversations with wonderful friends and caught up on life with all of them, tons of text messages, I received 3 bouquets of gorgeous flowers and had 3 special visitors bearing treats. All that with my Mom, Sister, 2 of my best friends out of town and a husband who had to work tonight. :) I think that's why I was so touched, because I had very low expectations this year!
Gabe gave me perhaps the best gift of all. He green lighted a trip I've been dying to take to go visit my friend Heather in Boise for a girl's weekend! I booked the trip today, May 26-28, I'm going alone to ID to celebrate Heather and my 30th like the grown-ups we are sans Macy!!!!!! Can you hear the excitement? Imagine... No schedule. Sleeping in. The spa. Movies. No high chair to clean for miles and dinner OUT with grownups!!!!!! AAAAUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!
He also mowed the lawn today which I count as a gift. :)
The last wonderful highlight of the day was a gift from the Lord. Blue sky and sunshine. It was warm enough for Macy and I to play outside before dinner (which was pizza with my Dad!) and it was good for my soul to have some sunshine.
I think we found Macy's new favorite past-time. Watching her Daddy mow the lawn. She watched the whole time. Not a peep. Also not a smile. :) It was darling.
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