Friday, April 22, 2011

A Surprise Party...FOR ME!

Yesterday was a busy day. I was very inspired from the coupon class, and decided to take Macy with me and knock out some errands I've been putting off for weeks. We hit Rite Aid, Target, Motherhood, and I even found her Flower Girl Dress for the big event (Bryce and Heidi's wedding) in June! I picked up a pizza for dinner since Katie had texted that she wanted to hang out at 6:30 and came home, fed Macy dinner and had just plopped down on the couch when Katie got there. She goes, "Look who I brought Macy!" and in walks my Dad! I thought that was kinda weird since Macy was going to bed in 30 min and I thought Katie came to chat with me, but whatever. She looks at me and says, "You need to get ready, we're going somewhere and Dad is here to watch Macy." I went, "Oh." Dragging my feet I thought she was going to take me to a movie and I would probably fall asleep.

Instead, she let me drive Mom's car because of my extreme car sickness these days and told me she would tell me where to turn. I didn't ask one question. Probably because I was so darn wiped out, but I was really excited to be hanging out with my sis, too.

We got all the way to Northwest Road and she's like, "You probably have figured out by now we're going to Mom and Dad's." I thought, "Whatever! Maybe we're going to go through Katie's closet and I'm going to score some clothes." We pull into the driveway and I look at all the cars and recognize Tanya's and said, "Are they having a women's ministries meeting tonight?" Then I spy what I KNOW is Holly's car (bright yellow) and said, "What is going on?"

I walk in to the most supportive (local) women in my life right now yelling, "SURPRISE!" I was blown away! Katie and Mom planned the whole thing and tracked down all the numbers and everyone was able to shuffle childcare and work and make it to surprise me and shower me with love. It was such a blast! They all told funny stories about me, we played games, we ate, I opened presents, we laughed and laughed... It was so much fun and such a great party.
I'm 30!!!!

My Mom is the greatest. How did she know that I've been craving DQ ice cream cake? How do Moms read your mind? It was SO delicious! Best thing I've tasted in weeks!

Thank you to each of you who came and made my night. I'll never forget it!

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