Yep. It's the big 3-0 this year!!!!!!! :) My Mom is going to watch Katie in a performance and will be gone over the actual day, so we celebrated with her, Dad my Grandpa and Grandma a few days early after church Sunday. My Mom out-did herself! BBQ ribs, baked beans, baked potatoes, home-made cole slaw, artesian bread, broccoli salad...and then a DELICIOUS from scratch vanilla with raspberry filling birthday cake, my favorite!

A highlight of the day was watching Macy "eat" ribs for the first time. She could not stop gnawing these bones!!!! I was laughing so hard because this is one trait she got from her DAD for SURE! I love meat, it's delicious, I will never become a vegetarian, but I'm not big on eating meat off the bone and slurping bones clean. Gabe loves the messy kind of meat, chicken legs, wings, ribs, all that.

Mom (and Dad) gave me awesome presents. A new shirt, a book, my favorite candy (hot tamales), some super cute dishtowels, then I opened the most gorgeous earrings. They are beautiful. From my Grammy, and my Mom knew they were the one thing out of all the jewelry that I thought were the prettiest. Mom gave them to
me. She said she wanted me to have something that I loved, that was from my Gram, so whenever I wore them or looked at them I would think of her. I'm going to wear them to my real birthday dinner with Gabe and I'll make sure to get a picture that does them justice. They. Are. Priceless.
As good as Sunday was, though, I really don't feel 30 yet, so I'm hanging on a couple more days until it's official. :)
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