We go in soon for Macy's official 18 month check up, but she has "officially" had a growth spurt. It is so strange how one day (after months and months of fitting) something does not fit right! It has happened with her 12 month pants and long sleeve shirts. She is actually fitting in some 2T stuff now, and it's crazy to me! Her feet were the funniest thing... A couple weeks ago, after church she was limping along saying, "Ow!" I finally figured out her go-to shoes were too tight. Not only that, ALL her size 4 shoes were too tight. I started trying on pair after pair and then found myself hoping this baby is a girl so I don't have to really mourn all those adorable shoes Macy can't wear anymore!!!! Thank heavens for friends with girls who share their hand-me-downs. This pile is from my friend Susan (Macy's friend Ellie is her daughter). All size 5's...Hooray!
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