Thank you to all of you who prayed for us Friday. I know prayers are the reason it went SO smoothly. Macy was a WONDERFUL little traveler. We flew from Bellingham to Seattle and she didn't make a peep. We had breakfast at the airport and she ran all around saying hi to everyone and waved at the planes. Our flight to Burbank was even shorter than expected and Macy slept for almost half of it! The other half almost convinced me to buy an ipad (Katie let us borrow hers and she loaded it with movies and interactive games for Macy- yes, best Aunt ever award goes to Auntie Kate) those things are incredible! Macy was so, SO good, and Katie was there to meet us while Dad circled around.
Dad and Mom had rented a house in Burbank which worked awesome for all of us to stay there together. I talked Dad into driving to Inn N Out so I could get a hamburger once I realized we were in CA and actually could get one! After lunch and naps for Gabe and Macy it was time to head to the venue for the rehearsal!
Bryce and Heidi each had 7 bridesmaids/groomsmen! I loved getting to meet all theses guys that are such good friends of Bryce's. He's lived with almost all of them and I'd only met 3 before. The other 4 were very, very nice and fun!
Can you see the flower girl? :)

Heidi's brother Roman was the ring bearer, Macy the flower girl. Roman is a crack up. He commented to me on the wedding day, "If Macy was about a year older, I think she would do a really good job." I said, "You're absolutely right Roman." Hahaha.
Once the rehearsal was over about 40 of us headed to Mimi's Cafe, an awesome restaurant in CA for the Rehearsal Dinner. Mom had them make up special menus for us and we could pick from 5 entrees, all of them looked delicious!
My Uncle Craig, Aunt Sharon, Cousins Heidi, Jed, KC and Luke all came down for the wedding! The triplets stayed home with their Dad but it was super fun to see Luke. He was having the time of his life!

Macy checking out Uncle Bryce...

Katie and Heidi
Although I ordered turkey dinner, Gabe's pasta dish looked pretty awesome and Macy dug right in! She's working on how to use a spoon/fork and she was all over this. :)
Macy's schedule this day was outrageous! Woke up at 3:45 AM, an hour nap in the morning, had to get woke up from her nap in the afternoon, I think dinner was served around 8 PM, she didn't get in bed until 10 PM, wide awake. How do you spell...overstimulization? :)
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