She takes one nap a day, about 2 1/2-3 hours and goes to bed at 7 PM and wakes up at 7 AM. It's pretty much a golden schedule, I love it.
The one thing I'm trying to adjust to is getting errands done in the morning instead of afternoon. It's fun to keep busy and Macy loves to go places. Yesterday was a doozy! We went 7 places before 11:15 in the morning! Gabe was on night shift and I had been stacking up things I needed to get done and yesterday was the day. Gabe got her up and gave her milk and snuggled and played with her while I got ready and then we were up and at 'em while he hit the hay!
She is wearing a tank top under the hoodie, but just note that this picture was taken mid-August. Sigh. She wasn't too warm in this outfit, either. It was 59 degrees out when we got in the car!
We hit Great Harvest Bread to load up on some Honey Whole Wheat and a sample and some playtime in their kid's kitchen. (Note to Mom's-this is a fabulous errand to take kids sample and a play area!) Next was Haggen for a free refill on my pre-natal vitamins and a free cookie for Macy from their bakery. Did you all know they do that? SUCH nice ladies work in the Haggen Bakery and they are SO nice to Macy. I wasn't going to ask for a cookie since it was about 9 AM, but we passed and the gal stopped me and asked if Macy would like a treat!
Macy was feeling pretty good at this point, and she didn't even know her day was going to get even better once we hit Walmart...
Our daughter is in love with Elmo. It's bad. He's her first thought in the morning and her last word at night! :) I think we have 9 episodes of Sesame Street DVR'ed on the TV set to Elmo's World for those moments that you just need 15 minutes off. :)
I SCORED at Wally-World. First, Macy spotted two sippy cups with Elmo on them and that was going to be her one treat for the day. Then, as I was shopping down the toy aisle she spied these precious friends. I couldn't walk away from them.
I kept waiting to see which one she couldn't live without. Yeah, right. She would put one down, scoop up all three, put another down, say all their names... She couldn't leave any behind!
So, yes, now Ernie, Big Bird and Elmo all live at our house and go with Macy everywhere. She is sleeping with all three tonight. :)
After Walmart was Kohls, Gymboree (where she got out of the stroller and rearranged furniture while I browsed), and Target...
Then, because I was feeling like superwoman and Macy was still acting like a shopping rock-star, I took her to Barnes & Noble for the first time. What a fabulous place for a toddler! She was in heaven with all those books! That store is made to appeal to kids and I think we read 11 books before I decided on the three we would take home. I also signed her up for their Kid's Club which is a little rewards program that sends special offers, I think $ towards free kid's books and gets them a free cupcake from the bakery the month of their birthday. A pretty fun thing, if you ask me, we were IN!
I'm still marveling that we did all that in a morning!
What I want to know is this: Who took the longer nap, Macy or YOU?!? You girls are CRAZY!