When the girls woke up, they gave Macy a present. Sooo sweet, it's her first baby doll! She loves it! I was telling Heidi recently that it's annoying Macy's birthday is Dec 29 since I would love to buy her new toys now, you know, big stuff. I don't want her too spoiled, though, and make myself wait but there are so many things you could do with 6 months between big holidays instead of 12!
Before we knew it, it was time to sing "The Dinosaur Song!" This is the cutest thing ever. It goes:
We are the dinosaurs marching, marching
We are the dinosaurs what do you think of that?
We are the dinosaurs marching, marching,
When we're in the mood
We stop and eat our food at the end of the day
(At this point, Annie was over it and sat down to read a book!!! Hahaha!)
We stop and take a rest
Over in our nest
We stop and take a rest and then we move along...
After a very full day and a beautiful, YUMMY rib dinner and corn on the cob, it was off to the tub for the girls.
Abbie, Ellie, Macy and Annie
These pictures really do capture what it's like there. SO much fun, SO crazy, SO loud. :) I love it.
Saturday was a PACKED day full of fun. Sharon and I held down the fort while Mom and Heidi went on a walk and Katie slept in. We traded shifts about 10 and Katie and Sharon took over kid duty while Mom, Heidi and I went to one of my favorite stores ever called "Real Deals," and then hit the Wenatchee Costco which is about 100 times better than ours in Bellingham. That store is incredible!!!!
All the kids were eating lunch when we got back and went down for a nap and the rest of us and Luke got to swim/float/lounge by the pool. It was SUCH a delightful day, not too hot, just so fun to feel like it was summer and relax.
Macy woke up first (had a little poop episode in her pack and play...let's just say no onesie and good thing she was a little constipated and the poop was more pellet-like than anything) so she got to come and swim for a little while.
That girls LOVES to be in the water. We all took turns holding her and splashing with her and she was so happy.
When we were done swimming I took a shower with Macy thinking that would be time productive since we were going out that night and she needed a bath too after all the sunscreen... Just when I soaped up my face, the water stopped. She had turned it OFF! I was feeling around like a blind person and Macy is giggling and I first scald myself trying to protect her from the hot water and then freeze to death as I have soap in my eyes and couldn't see what in the world I was doing. She did the exact same thing when I had shampooed my hair and had my eyes closed. The joys of motherhood, I tell you. That is the LAST shower I take with her anytime soon. :)
Andy and my cousins KC and Jed and their two friends fed all the kids dinner and put them all to bed Saturday night so Sharon, Mom, Katie, Heidi and I could go out to dinner and to the show. The kids did awesome, Macy went right down and we had the BEST time out! I'll have to add a couple pics when I get them from my Mom since I left my camera home, but it was a great evening and super memorable.
At one point this weekend Luke said, "Someday I'm going to marry Macy!" My sister corrected him and said no you won't, you're cousins. He was a little bummed. :) So cute. They have the sweetest bond!!! Luke taught Macy how to hug this weekend. I love that she loves him.
She also got a new tooth Sunday! #6 on the bottom!
What a goofball. Macy is an awesome traveler. It makes me a little sad to think it's going to be awhile before we go back over to Wenatchee. The pass is terrible in the winter and we're going to add another munchkin in only about 3 more months. Can you believe that? Wowza, I need to get going on that nursery!
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