We finally made it downstairs and headed out for Rich to see Heather for the first time.

Heather looked so pretty- she just glowed elegance and moved like a princess all night.

Here she is getting situated... This dress moved like a cloud!

I was a hormonal mess. I've never been a part of the first look except my own, which was wonderful and I wouldn't let anyone be there for it! Heather hates being the center of attention with everyone looking at her, which is why she did such a small wedding. This part made me cry, though. Look at Rich's face!

Macy kept the mood light, as always and Steve didn't take too long to grab her for a laugh after Rich and Heather saw each other for the first time.

Macy is obsessed with faces and noses and mouths lately. She thinks it's so funny to kiss your nose. Yuck! It is pretty funny though.

So glad Chris came! It was touch and go for a minute and I had to send a facebook message of guilt, but he made it, and it wouldn't have been the same without him.

Heather and her "little" brother.

My pretend brothers for the weekend. :)

Mike, Aunt Kay, Macy and Chris. I kept asking to take Macy and everyone wanted her in their picture! So sweet!

Great shot of the Mother of the Bride.

Aren't those flowers beautiful? Love this place!

Steve and his only sister, Kay. Steve was the baby of 10 kids and Kay the 2nd. She practically raised him and they are very close. Aunt Kay told me she met me when I was only 2 years old! I called her Aunt Kay my whole life too! I remember her visiting once a year or so. She is a nun, and lives in Mississippi, I think.

Heather's handsome brothers, Mike and Chris.

Marion, Heather's soon-to-be Mother-in-Law and Rich and Heather.

Here is Steve with one of his 8 brothers! Bob is a judge in Coeur d'Alene and married Rich and Heather. He did an awesome job.

2 sets of brothers- Mike and Chris and Steve and Bob. Only a few of the many Burton men!

Heather's Aunt Kay holding Macy. Aunt Kay is such a sweet lady!

The Burton Family
It was time! We all headed in, and after a short mishap with the room situation, we headed to our table.

Look how Heather commands a room!

Waiting for the ceremony to start. Everyone stood for the vows, which was really special and emotional. Heather gave last minute love to Macy.
Here they are! Mr. and Mrs. Manos!
Everyone got pretty teary afterwards, but they were happy tears!
The Manos family!

The witnesses. Marion, Bob's wife Jeanette, Bob, Steve and Kay.
After the vows, we went back upstairs for dress #2. I think I liked it even more than the white!
Macy woke up around 10ish and I broke down and let her join the party again. She was so happy!

At this point Mike had given his toast which was a serious highlight. He was saying how he remembers Heather describing her future life when she was about 6 years old and that Rich had given her everything she had ever dreamed and more and then he says, "So, Rich, if you can figure out a way to get a couple dolphins in your pond out front, you will have literally made a 6 year old girl's dreams come true." The best was when leaned to Heather and said, "We can throw a couple dolphins in there babe!" We laughed and laughed.

Then Mikey broke down and held Macy. The perfect night. :)

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