Heather's Mom (and my Nanny for the weekend) Vicki picked Macy and I up Friday for our drive East of the mountains for Heather and Rich's wedding. We got Mike, Heather's brother on the way in Seattle and had a very good trip. Thank you to all of you who prayed for us, we had traveling mercies for sure as Macy barely cried the whole way... 7.5 hours total in the car! She was incredible! We got to Steve's childhood home in the evening and had dinner there, left Mike and Steve to "rough it" at the farmhouse and us girls went to stay the night with Heather's Uncle Jim. Heather's Dad Steve was one of TEN children. 9 boys, 1 girl. I went with Heather once to meet this whole side of her family when I was 14 and they remembered me. It was super fun to reconnect with a bunch of her Dad's side and I loved chatting with Jim. He and his wife Cec were so gracious to us and hosted Vicki, Macy and I for the night. Note: all Burton men ADORE babies. They could not get enough of Macy and she couldn't get enough of any of them. Jim was her personal buddy for the few hours we got to spend with him. He showed her all his gardens and she ate up all the attention. The three dogs he has was a bonus!

Jim and Macy. She would not stop looking at the dogs to smile!

Jim and Cec's house.

ONE of Jim's gardens... Unbelievably beautiful. I loved it here.

One of Jim's barns.

I think Jim said he owns 80 acres. The house opens up to the most beautiful view of wheat and rolling hills. It was breathtaking and gorgeous.

Jim wanted Macy to pick a carrot!!!

The view from the backyard.

Thanks again Uncle Jim! So fun to see you and for Macy to meet you! (He was holding Macy this entire time). So cute!
Looks like you had gorgeous sunshine too - very opposite of what was going on here. Beautiful view and yard!