Luke is such a fun boy. He is VERY into superheroes right now, and gadgets. He was taking pictures with my camera and I asked him to play a game. When I said a word, he had to act out what it meant on his face. It was hilarious!!!! I don't think 4 year olds know all the words I used but here are a few of my favorites.
Did that make you laugh? I still crack up looking at these!!!! We're going to Wenatchee in a couple days for a family reunion and I'll try and play again and see if he's improved! Ha!
Janelle, Craig's niece, was visiting and Luke wanted to get a shot of the girls... Not bad, huh?
Had to get these suspenders in a picture. Craig gave them to Luke a long time ago. They say, "Grandpa's Helper." Luke put them on Abbie!
Abbie still LOVES baby Macy. She even says Macy now, although it sounds a little like, "Mayme."
After ice cream cones it was off to the pool!

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