Since Gabe had a day of fun for his birthday, the next day, I got my day of fun! Our church had a mystery shopping bus trip this year, and it was great! My buddy for the day was Tanya Silves (right). Since Mom was in the hospital with Grammy, these two sister-in-laws (named Tanya and Tanya) "adopted" me into their group for the day and we had a great time. We went to Grandiflora and had the whole place to ourselves, then University Center, then Northgate. The highlight for us new coupon-ers was a massive Target near North Gate that we found with elevators and escalators. It was incredible! The baby section was 7 aisles!!!! Got my Christmas shopping started for sure.
On the way home it snowed like crazy and began that cold snap...very scary on a bus at midnight! We made it home, though, and it was SUCH a nice break to be with grown-ups and eat out with no children TWICE in one day! What a treat! Thanks for the very fun day girls!
Ahhh memories. We had SO MUCH fun that day!