We went to Gabe's Uncle Larry and Aunt Robyn's house for Thanksgiving this year. They have an adorable house right on the water near Lummi and it is an honor to be invited to share their table. Robyn is Jewish, and her step-dad Charlie is Kosher, so they have a Kosher turkey every year to honor him. (Do you know what that means? I asked my first year there and found out Kosher means the turkey's feet never touch the ground and it is blessed by a Rabbi).

My sister found this bib at TJ MAXX and bought it for Macy. :) It's so true. This year, probably more than ever I am realizing how much in my life I have to be thankful for.
My husband
My daughter
My family
My friends
My warm, beautiful house
My Savior
My church family
and everything else I could ever need or want.
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