Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gram's Celebration of Life. November 30, 2010

We celebrated Grammy today at Grace Baptist Church at 2:00 PM. Every single member of our 37 strong family was there, except Bryce, Ryan and Tara. 34/37 is pretty good for a Tuesday. :) It was a beautiful service, that lasted an hour and 5 minutes. Surprising it didn't go longer to capture all Grammy was to so many people. We had a welcome, prayer, sang songs (When we all get to heaven, I'll Fly Away), heard a Psalm, Katie sang, "How Great Thou Art," watched a WONDERFUL video of pictures of Grammy, Fred spoke, Sharon spoke, Heidi spoke, and Luke sang, "Freely." Dave Dunkin gave a short message and we all sang "Surely goodness and mercy" as we filed out.

I think nearly everyone there cried. I sure did. After the service we met in their fellowship hall for coffee and cookies and spent time together. Once all the kids got there we weren't weepy anymore and had a minute to get some pictures.
Heidi and Annie.
Heidi and Abbie.
Heidi and Ellie.

This one cracked me up. I think they are all at the same stage, don't you?
Watch the way Abbie is always patting or touching Macy. It's SO SWEET! I love it!

Grammy had 13 Grandchildren and 11 Great-Grandchildren. Here are 5 of the "Greats!" Believe it or not, 8 of them are 5 or under!!!! From the left: Ellie, Annie, Macy, Abbie, and Elliot who is only a month younger than Macy!
Katie got home from London last night, as usual, bearing gifts. The latest addition to Macy's wardrobe collection is this hysterical hat, London style!!! :) Thanks, Kates, we love it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girlfriend! So sorry I wasn't there! I was planning on coming, and then a girl at work got a migraine and I had to cover for her :-(

    Your blog looks awesome - and frankly - Macy looks a little terrified of that hat - I'm just sayin' :-) Miss you tons!
