Macy made out like a bandit (we all did!) and got so many fun toys I'm tempted to hide a bunch and take them out a day at a time!
Our little family!
Our house goes a little bonkers for Christmas. We all love it and think all year about what to get for everyone. We don't do the whole, draw names business. We buy for everyone! It is by far the best day of the year.
One of Macy's new favorite things. My mom is awesome for finding toys that are fun, while not being annoyingly loud or too techy. I love that about her.
From my Dad, to his sons. :)
Bryce's soon-to-be new facebook profile picture.
A gift everyone got this year from Macy was a desk calendar of the top 12 pictures of her with the person from this past year. Everyone loved it. They were all different, and each very special. Good job Macy!
Again, she loved climbing all presents!
Time out to read a great new book with her Daddy!
She adored this monkey from my Dad and Mom, but I think she liked it too much since the thing deflated not long after this photo and I think it has a leak. Darn!
The perfect 1 year old gift. :)
My Mom is the best cook on earth. She can make a dinner from a jar of marshmallows and some celery. I'm not kidding you, her food is DELICIOUS! She makes it look easy! This dinner was so beautiful I had to get a picture. Turkey, mashed potatoes, orange bowknot rolls, jello, shrimp dip, spinach salad, snickers salad, cookies, pie... oh my!
Day went and picked up Grandpa Boyd and Grandma VK to join us for dinner and that was really fun.
An updated 4 generations picture!
Grammy, Grandpa and Macy, December 23, 2010
This girl was so zonked after this day of fun, she mellowed out with Uncle Bryce before hitting the sack...because she had 4 more days of parties to go to!
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