Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our visit with Lori...and Santa!

What a fun morning! I have known Lori Stauffer since kindergarten, when her son Robby became one of my best friends. She is a wonderful lady, incredibly talented and kind. She has four awesome children, and I see all of them from time to time. When I had Macy, and we ran into Lori randomly at Walmart one day, she asked if I'd heard the name from a children's book series? I hadn't ever heard of it, and today she gave me two of the "Maisy" books! So fun! We had coffee and a great visit and walked around the mall.
Lori and her husband Wayne are friends with Santa (I have no idea what his real name is), who works at Bellis Fair in December. I remember hanging out with Rob and Santa came over for dinner one day. He rides Harleys in the off season I hear! He is a super kind man and when we walked by, and he heard I knew Lori, I got a free photo op!!!! Of course, he's a man, big and hairy, Macy's type... so it was love at first sight!

They read a story...
She got comfortable...
Posed a little...
and showed Santa some love.

Thanks for the great day, Lori!

1 comment:

  1. that is so cute! i definitely did not have that reaction with santa when i was macy's age. i think my mom still has the picture to prove it!
