Tradition rules, though, and I went over to Mom's to help with sugar cookies and to make my 5 dozen deviled eggs. (This is where I started to think about Grammy. She never complained about buying or boiling 5 dozen eggs. It's a hassle. They stink. You have to check the cartons before you buy them to make sure none are broken. I never heard a word of that from Grammy. She delighted in having people over for dinners and didn't ever complain about the work that came along with that. She is a testament to a good attitude.)
Katie, Bryce and I took our yearly cookie picture... :)

Grandpa and Macy Megan, Christmas Eve 2010!

Not too long after that, Macy found this tub and spent about 25 minutes playing in it!

My cousin Jodi and her husband Micah and 3 boys were here for Christmas this year! It was so good to see them! Elliot is about 3 weeks younger than Macy. He's a doll!
All the great-grandkids got pajamas and a toy. They looked so cute lined up like little stair steps! My Grandpa has 4 children, 13 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. That is impressive!
Macy made a good friend in her cousin David. He's 3, and hilarious. When asked what he was thankful for this year while hanging his ornament on the tree he replied, "I'm thankful for all the food...and POOP!" He was just the comedy we needed!
Macy's loot from Great-Grandpa!

Thank you Great Grandpa!
David spent quite a lot of time with Macy in this tub. They were fast friends!

Macy's Christmas Dress. :)
Uncle Bryce!
Macy loves my new necklace almost as much as I do. She is always looking at it, trying to eat it, pull it...almost as if she knows diamonds are good things!

Macy played Musical Chairs throughout this whole service since bedtime is 7 and it started at 7. I was nervous how she would do staying up an hour or so past bedtime but she did surprisingly well!
Katie led the choir in the Hallelujah Chorus, which was beautiful...
Jed took a turn with Macy when Katie sang her solo, which was tear inducing, as usual!
Mom did the majority of the work and held Macy off with Cheerios until she blurted out (SO LOUD), "Daaa Da!" to my Dad who was giving the message in front!
At the end of the service Dad played a song called, "Christmas in Heaven." I know it spoke to a lot of people in that church that were missing someone this night. It's very sad, but comforting to think about the legacy that Grammy has left us and the joy that comes with Christmas partly because of her.
When we got to Sharon's, I realized we weren't the only ones that had Gram on the mind this day. There was a little tree decked out in ribbons reading, "Sweetie," "Mom," "Grammy," "GG." Underneath were presents for all of us that turned out to be a Bible from Grammy and a card from Grandpa. A very special Christmas present.
Grandpa started off the gift-giving by reading Luke 2.
We did not plan for the bow of the tree to land on Mom's head. Oops! Anyway, it's a cute picture but we missed Gabe! Another note: I couldn't see Katie but had a feeling I should put my hand like that on Bryce. Saw the picture... KNEW it! Look at Katie's hand! Do I know my sister or what!?
After dinner, gifts, dessert and some chatting, we headed to church to remind ourselves what Christmas is all about.
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