Monday, January 24, 2011
What a difference a year makes...Happy Birthday Harper!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Fun-Filled Days!
This week was very full, something was happening every single day!
Macy discovered the Burton's piano tonight and I uploaded some video to facebook if you need a laugh...
Monday, January 17, 2011
We have had a very fun few days...
Jamie and Mason visited Wednesday after a Rite Aid run and I didn't get any pics of Mason. He is 6 weeks older than Macy, runs, stomps, and is incredibly independent. Mason sort of "tolerates" Macy playing with him. He is waaay ahead of her every move, but they hug and kiss and it's pretty funny. :)
Mason taught Macy how to use her wagon. He has one at his Grandparent's house and was all over opening the door, getting in and out. He showed Macy how to do it, and ever since, she is OBSESSED with this wagon. She doesn't play with one other toy. Just the wagon!
A curl!!!! Do you see that????? I have never had a natural one of those!!! It's my dream that my baby has curly hair...could it be?
Have I mentioned Macy is now facing FORWARD in her car seat? It is a whole new world driving, now. Thursday, we met my Mom and friend Catira Dahm in Lynden and cleaned out my Gram's sewing room. Catira made this hat for Macy and I LOVE it! She's been wearing it everywhere and now there is no hesitation when people ask, "How old is SHE?"
Since Gabe was back to work, and my Dad was home from Kentucky, Macy and I spent Saturday afternoon with her Grammy and Grandpa. I tell you, it is serious playtime on Clarkson Lane every time. Dad is nutso for Macy and she's worse for him. They crack me up, always inventing new games and all Macy has to do is squeak and Dad's like, "Oh, you want to go see Mr. Deer and Mr. Sheep?" :)
Macy actually played chase this day. She got it, and let Dad chase her around! She would turn around, see him, squeal and then run! It was darn cute and this picture captures the feel.

We were trying to get Macy to practice walking and Mom took out this step-stool. She would sit down, get traction with her feet and scoot back until she almost fell through it backwards. A fun new toy for Macy, a heart attack for her Grammy!
Today was a nice day at home. Like I said, Macy pretty much doesn't leave this wagon these days. :)
First, she empties the wagon and throws all her "friends" on the ground.
Then she lounges for awhile and opens and closes the door.
Sometimes that wears her out.
Soon, though, she stands up and gets out of the wagon.
Then immediately sits back down.
Down. Face plant.
Never a tear from this tough girl and she's right back in it again.
Side note: Ellie, if you're reading this, the golden retriever puppy and penguin stuffed animals are Macy's favorite! She's never really been too into anything stuffed, but those two got her hooked on several others and she LOVES putting them in and out of the wagon. She plays with them both constantly!
Later today she was playing near her toy box and Gabe was in there with her and I heard a klunk and bad crying, ran in, and she stopped crying after I held her. Gabe didn't see what had happened and then about 5 minutes later he goes, "NO! Her first shiner!" Sure enough, I think our baby got herself her first black eye today. This mark turned darker and bigger through the evening. I'm scared to see it tomorrow poor baby girl!!!
We're doing good here. Macy is taking steps all throughout the day, but still prefers crawling. The most she's walked is 20 steps in a row. She says, "Mom, Dad, Hi, Uh-Oh, Wow, Whoa, All Done (sounds like Ah Da), Grandpa (A variance of Ah Da!)", and I swear she said "turtle" the other day in the tub! She is crazy for her wagon, which stays in the living room and she hasn't learned that it rolls, yet. Macy is HOOKED on her magical blanket, "Softie" and doesn't go to sleep easily without it. She reads probably 15 books a day and LOVES any book and to turn the pages. She still flirts with every man she meets, and gets compliments constantly because of it. She melts her Daddy's heart every day and mine too. She's precious!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
No news, really!

It's been a very busy week at the Gustafson house, and a good one with Gabe being home for 10 days straight!!!! This is very weird for both of us since we just realized it's been a year since we've spent that much time together. :) I'm blogging on my Mom's computer and saw this pic in her iphoto and it made me smile. 4 1/2 years ago already, can you believe it?
Gabe and I dropped Macy with Mom and Dad Friday night so we could have an overnight date night which was VERY fun. We went out for a beautiful dinner at Anthony's Hearthfire Grill and then watched an 8:00 PM show at the Comedy Club downtown. We slept in, then went out for breakfast, and got some errands done before I picked Macy up in the morning. We SO appreciated the night "away!!!" One interesting note: Macy started walking with Dad and Mom! She did 2 steps for Dad, 1 for Mom and the day we got her back, did 3 for Gabe! I find it very funny that as much as Gabe works, Macy manages to do NEW things for him all the time. It's hilarious!
Between appointments, lunch dates with friends, projects around the house (hello January clean cupboards and babyproofing!!!!), playdates, church... Gabe goes back to work in only 2 days. Time goes by sooo quickly when you are doing what you want to do!
Macy is up to 12 steps in a row, she is walking pretty much on demand but still prefers to crawl places. My house is quickly getting into order and my couponing is continuing with a vengance! I have not cheated on my no desserts in January commitment although I've been tempted often. My organizing the house is almost done, and thanks to my parents having Macy the other day I got some projects done in her room at 10:30 PM. (Raised her mobile, moved some pictures on the walls, redid her closet, organized her dresser, went through some books...etc). Gabe is working on his list and the garage and hopefully by next week when Bible Study gears up I will be ready for a schedule again!!!
I am helping to teach a coupon class next week, January 20th, at 7:00 PM at our church, Christ Fellowship (used to be Nooksack Valley Baptist Church) in Everson, right across from the only two gas stations in town. If you want to come, please RSVP at or e-mail or facebook me and I'll add you to the list. We already have 53 women signed up so come join us!!!! It's free, but will pay, I promise you!!! :)
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