We have been WAAAY off schedule lately around here, and Macy hasn't had a whole day at home for weeks. Something always seems to come up, and I've been so gung ho for coupons, it's not unusual to do one store a day. Anyway, Macy was overdue for a whole day at home and Gabe and I were happy to join her!
She is very into climbing onto the bottom of my baker's rack and just sitting there screeching for joy these days. She does it several times a day! I used to have stuffed snowmen down there until I put away Christmas decorations, and she would crawl over and "visit" them constantly!

Sometimes she holds on to the "handles" but usually she just crawls around in there and sits in the corner, or on the edge and lounges. We call it her cubby!

Macy is getting very close to walking. She almost took a step right after I took this picture, but then changed her mind and held on a little longer. :)

I did end up sneaking out to get in a Rite Aid run today while Gabe hung out and Macy slept, and scored this new sippy cup! I gathered up all our baby cups tonight since she won't drink from any of them and counted 7. Good grief. She seems to like this one so far, so I'm hoping it helps us make the switch from a bottle!
I had such a fun day today! I have been telling people one of my goals for January is to get SUPER organized in my house. I'm going through every drawer, cupboard, closet and throwing/donating/giving/organizing so I know we USE everything in our house and I LIKE everything in our house (decorations, cooking utensils). This isn't really as hard or time consuming as I thought it would be. I did some serious damage on the upstairs with Gabe's help this morning and tackled some more this afternoon. I have another day or so for sure but it's exciting to see everything getting back under control around here.
Another resolution? Back to no dessert for January. Today went good, although the Rite Aid lady told me all Christmas candy is going 75% off tomorrow and my heart gave a pang. :)
Third resolution is to get serious about coupons this year. I want to track my savings, have a system that works, buy what we use, stockpile a 6 month supply of stuff on the cheap and share my loot with others. I signed up for the coupon insert service and will start that next week and am very excited about it! Two friends and I are teaching a couponing class at our church, Christ Fellowship January 20th. It's a Thursday night at 7 PM and will be SUPER fun and informative. Join us and be surprised! Bring a friend or neighbor! Get on board saving in 2011!
My last thing that will be different about 2011 is I'm joining Bible Study at church. It's a 10 week Beth Moore study that I'm really looking forward to. Macy and I will be going every Wednesday morning. Bye bye too much tv! Hello Bible reading! :)
What are your resolutions? Thought about any yet?
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