It's been a very busy week at the Gustafson house, and a good one with Gabe being home for 10 days straight!!!! This is very weird for both of us since we just realized it's been a year since we've spent that much time together. :) I'm blogging on my Mom's computer and saw this pic in her iphoto and it made me smile. 4 1/2 years ago already, can you believe it?
Gabe and I dropped Macy with Mom and Dad Friday night so we could have an overnight date night which was VERY fun. We went out for a beautiful dinner at Anthony's Hearthfire Grill and then watched an 8:00 PM show at the Comedy Club downtown. We slept in, then went out for breakfast, and got some errands done before I picked Macy up in the morning. We SO appreciated the night "away!!!" One interesting note: Macy started walking with Dad and Mom! She did 2 steps for Dad, 1 for Mom and the day we got her back, did 3 for Gabe! I find it very funny that as much as Gabe works, Macy manages to do NEW things for him all the time. It's hilarious!
Between appointments, lunch dates with friends, projects around the house (hello January clean cupboards and babyproofing!!!!), playdates, church... Gabe goes back to work in only 2 days. Time goes by sooo quickly when you are doing what you want to do!
Macy is up to 12 steps in a row, she is walking pretty much on demand but still prefers to crawl places. My house is quickly getting into order and my couponing is continuing with a vengance! I have not cheated on my no desserts in January commitment although I've been tempted often. My organizing the house is almost done, and thanks to my parents having Macy the other day I got some projects done in her room at 10:30 PM. (Raised her mobile, moved some pictures on the walls, redid her closet, organized her dresser, went through some books...etc). Gabe is working on his list and the garage and hopefully by next week when Bible Study gears up I will be ready for a schedule again!!!
I am helping to teach a coupon class next week, January 20th, at 7:00 PM at our church, Christ Fellowship (used to be Nooksack Valley Baptist Church) in Everson, right across from the only two gas stations in town. If you want to come, please RSVP at cfwomensministries@gmail.com or e-mail or facebook me and I'll add you to the list. We already have 53 women signed up so come join us!!!! It's free, but will pay, I promise you!!! :)
Make that 56, and keep them coming! :-)
ReplyDeleteAwe! I'm so glad she's starting to walk. At christmas you could tell she was so close! Date night! That doesn't happen often! Glad you could have some fun! Hope you all are doing well!