Yesterday Macy and I helped celebrate Harper's 1st birthday. She was such a trooper! Calm, cool and collected, that is "The Harps." We got there after she had her cake, which I heard she demolished, but in time for presents, which Macy watched very seriously. :)

The girls. :)

Harper and her Aunt Heather.

I can't believe she is totally walking now. 3 weeks younger than Macy and UP!

Holly had toys near the presents all set up which was great! Macy played and watched.

She was very into the balloons floating all around...

This vacuum was hilarious. I want to get one for Macy! We love you Harper Dae and can't wait to watch you grow up. Thanks for inviting us to your party!!!!
Macy can't be walking yet - they say kids that walk later are better readers (whatever one of mine walked at 15 months and hates reading!!)