A few days ago I pulled out this very fun zoo-keeper's set from my parents for Macy. It was a birthday gift, but we were so overwhelmed from Christmas, I put a couple things away until all her new stuff became "old." She loves biting the animals and trying different stuff in the lion's den. Super fun, thanks Mom and Dad!

Macy is still obsessed with her wagon and brings new toys into it each day. This day she gathered up all the measuring spoons and climbed in and out for a good 30 minutes. I LOVE this wagon, we've lost track of the hours she has spent in it!!!!

I thought this was some serious talent. Three spoons while balancing? :)

For once, a picture that I thought Macy looked like me!!!!!
Molly! You are looking THIN in this picture! Your face! You look great. I've been behind on the blog, but catching up makes me miss you and Macy! Give her a kiss for me!!