Gabe got home from work at 7 PM and I was checking e-mails, blogs and got a bee in my bonnet to go get some deals from Rite Aid. I left at 8:30 PM (a first for me, we hunker down around here at 7 PM!) and SCORED! Along with great deals on what is pictured, I got 6, 1.5 quarts of Dreyer's ice cream (not for me, for the guys at Gabe's work for the next 2 months!). I paid $18 out of pocket for the ice cream, and then, $17 back in UP rewards to use as store credit on my next purchase at Rite Aid!!!!! Everything, when you count the UP rewards pictured and the ice cream cost me... $22.00. (7 peanut butter, 2 chex mix, 6 pringles, 4 toothpaste, 4 packs of razors, 6 things of Dreyer's ice cream). What a night!!!!

Woot woot! That was quite a haul you made! Nice work Molly!