Last night Gabe and I both caught Macy's cold. ICK! Gabe is on nights, so we all laid very low today. The highlight was when Auntie Kate came over to hang out with Macy while we went to our yearly tax appointment. (How romantic, right?) She came with this darling bear for Macy and candy for Gabe and I. Love that girl, she knows how to brighten up a room, that's for sure!

Gabe and I grabbed the mail on our way back home and there was a card for Macy from Great-Grandma Van Kooten in there. It was a Valentine's Day card just for Macy with a very sweet and special message...and...$FIVE DOLLARS$! It was such a sweet day I had to pose her with her loot and capture the feeling.
Macy and I ran a couple errands later today and I had the best feeling in Rite Aid watching all the men buying last minute gifts, flowers, balloons, candy for their loves. I drove past Haggen and saw at least 5 more men with arms loaded down in the parking lot full of goodies. I love Valentine's Day. :)
Happy Valentine's Day!
uh molly - I only see the card - what did you do with Macy's $5? I'm just askin'!!!