I was feeding Macy her bottle after her nap and Gabe brought me some clothes to change her into. My darling husband is color-blind and pink and red look the same to him. He brought these pink pants and red striped socks to go with this turtleneck! We had a laugh and I put them on her since I love when Gabe picks out clothes from Macy's dresser, whatever they are.
We headed downstairs and I remembered the bag of hand-me-downs my friend Susan gave me this morning for Macy and wouldn't you know the most perfect pair of furry black boots made this outfit one of my new favorites????

They have flowers on the sides!!!!! Macy LOVES shoes. She gets so excited to try them on, she gathers up Gabe and my shoes by the front door every day and carries them around the house. She hoards them on her little nook. It's so so funny to watch her! Check her out! I was singing, "These boots are made for walkin', and that's just what they'll do..."

She was flinging Gabe's flip-flop here. :) PS: That's my boot...makes hers look pretty tiny, huh?

Right after this, she pulled her boot OFF. Then, pointed to another pair we got today. Baby KEENS! She wanted to try it on...
Love this. The KEEN foot looks tiny. The boot foot looks like a wooly mammoth!
Believe it or not, Macy found the other matching shoe and held it up for me, like, "Please, mom? They need to match." LOVE THIS GIRL!
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