Yesterday Katie and I went on a date. It's been at least a month since we had time together, without Macy around to chat! We went out to lunch, did several errands, went shopping, and then decided to hit McDonalds for a LARGE cone. Yeah. It's been awhile since I've got one of these, but I pulled over after the drive through to take a picture since it was the most pathetic "large" I've ever seen! It was a dollop of ice cream on a cone!!!! 3 bites people! Guess the golden arches are feeling the recession too, huh?

Gabe has been home on his week off (minus a day of overtime already) which has been AWESOME. We have had lots of laughs with Macy and he gives me time to get stuff done that I usually can't get to since she's with me all the time! Case in point. Last night I had the chance to do a shoe swap since a couple pairs are too small. I tried these beauties on and they finally fit! Baby purple crocs!!!!! Micaela Pimento picked them out for Macy before she was even born. :) I LOVE them! Macy did too, let me tell you. She grinned and danced, and stomped her feet... she KNEW she was wearing new shoes and she rocked them!

They are TINY! Size 4, and about as long as a baby toothbrush. :)

Today Macy wore the dress her Auntie Kate bought her for Valentine's Day. I said she will wear it all week. :) Sorry about the same pose with the camera case, it's a sure smile every time! I'm hopefully getting her 1 year pictures back this week and we got some awesome ones so stay tuned for updates!

Today after Bible Study we got a treat. Wayne and Wyatt Silves came over for a playdate! Weston had an appointment right by our house so Tanya dropped the other boys off to play with Macy. We had a BLAST! I've forgotten how fun it is to have kids around who can walk AND talk. :) (It doesn't take much for Wayne to impress me). Wayne is a 4-year-old, darling, polite, hilarious boy who loves everyone and everything. He eats anything, will go anywhere, laughs all the time and is SO good with little kids. I really enjoyed him. He was pulling Macy in this wagon in the house and asked me to move the toys so he could really pull her (those of you who know our living-toy room know there is no room with or without toys to pull this wagon!) and I asked if he wanted to go to our park instead? He was so excited...so, we dressed Wyatt up in Macy's hat and brown boots, buckled and bundled the babies and we were off!

It felt so good to see the sun! It was crisp but nice out and I love that kids are like moles these days since we haven't had sun in so long. Look at Wayne! )Don't judge Wyatt in the leopard hat with the pink bow, it really is the most boy-ish hat we had). :)

Wayne checking out our neighborhood "park."

He got tired there for a minute and I said, "Well, you better hop in the wagon!" Macy thinks Wayne is her dream come true. Every time she sees him she just stares and smiles. Look how precious Wyatt looks.

Love these ones.
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