Gabe is home safe and sound! Above is Tyler Deyo, Gabe's friend and co-worker, the adventurer up for anything guy that drove 10 HOURS to eat a hamburger. :) They had a great time, and each ate their entire burgers. Just wait...

Gabe said the place is a hole-in-the-wall, but delicious!

Big Jud's... Boise, ID

Gabe's burger. Mind you, he put his tiny cell phone next to it for scale. It's as big as a frisbee. Again, both men ate their entire burger!!! It's bigger than your head! To get your picture on the wall of fame, you have to eat the whole burger, and then either a pound of fries or tater tots. Gabe said he wasn't up for it!

I'm a little jealous I didn't get one bite. :) Here's to spontaneous adventures!
We love you Tyler! You're the best!
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