Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saturday Night...

So not the best picture of me (we're talking no make-up in sweats here) but I had to post it because this was my Saturday night! Gabe was working, so Lynn came over for dinner and a movie and brought cream puffs!!! Oh my, were they delicious. I am now officially hooked on yet another dessert.
Dessert: Cream Puffs and Lattes... I am drinking lattes like they're going out of style. My Mom gave me an espresso machine for my birthday last April and I don't think I knew it yet, but I was pregnant! I made about 5 lattes and kept thinking something was wrong with the coffee... Turns out it was ALL coffee that made me nauseous! I am completely myself again, though, and am LOVING skinny vanilla lattes, sometimes two a day. Decaf, of course. :)
Lynn played with Macy a good hour straight. Macy loooooves Lynn and was so smiley all night!
Buddies :)


  1. I made it on your blog! I'm famous!!! Saturday was such a fun night...I really had a great time, but then I always do when I hang out with you. :) The pictures are way cute and you look GREAT! Macy was so much fun and so adorable this night. She was so so smiley! Can't wait to see you both again soon!

  2. Reading this made me so nostalgic, here's why:

    I too get queasy at the mere MENTION of coffee when I am pregnant. Queasy is being blog appropriate.

    Next of all, the coffee. I too drank decaf when we first had Wayne! Stick to your non-caffeine ways, because when you finally give in, there's no going back! :-)

  3. I love having a barisata machine!!! I often have a 2nd one in the afternoon if I'm ever home - decaf of course - different reasons for me!!
