Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Gabe and I are HUGE fans of the TV show, The Office. It's probably my all-time favorite because it makes me laugh out loud at least once every episode. If you haven't watched it, and have a good sense of humor, you should! There's one guy on the show named Dwight Shrute that is hysterical so when we got two baby kittens almost two years ago, Gabe names one Dwight and the other Shrute.
Sadly, Dwight dissapeared right before Macy was born, but Shrute lives on. Gabe adores this cat, it's his first real pet he's had since it was little and he does all kinds of things with him. The pic above was Gabe tying Macy's "Welcome to the World" balloons on his foot, below was "Cowboy Shrute" one night that had Gabe laughing maybe harder than I've ever seen him.

This cat, although crazy looking and not the smartest, makes Gabe so happy! They cuddle together, watch tv, play video games and make each other smile. For that reason, I put up with all the bird, shrew, mouse, rat, snake etc guts in my garage. Here's to you Shruty!

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