So last night was date night with Gabe! We stayed home with Macy, made a huge dinner together and watched New Moon. I am crazy over the Twilight series. The books are amazing, and the movies are so fun! Gabe was such a good sport when Twilight came out, and he said he would watch the movies with me as they came onto DVD. :)
The picture above was our "appetizers"...

I made a new recipe- Sweet Potato Fries. Pretty easy to do. Peel sweet potatoes, cut into fries, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning salt. I thought they were ok, Gabe really liked them. We ended up eating one sweet potato between us and had an entire pan leftover. I think I'm going to try hash browns with the leftovers.

YUM! Asparagus! Love this vegetable...

And... the best meat known to man. Tri-tip, marinated in yosheedas... Delicious!
Can't beat Yoshidas! Nathan met the guy that invented the sauce at YWAM in Kona!