Monday, February 28, 2011

My FREE day!

Katie and I went to Alderwood Mall today and it was the best day I've had in a long time!

Started by dropping Macy off with Anna at 8:30 AM, went over and picked up Katie, we got coffee on the road, a quick errand to my Mom's work, and were on the freeway by 9:30 AM. Headed straight to Nordstroms!

We had lunch at Claim Jumpers which was probably a highlight for me. The food there is so delicious and it's been awhile since I've had a lunch without any child around to feed, clean up after, entertain... Katie and I talked about American Idol, some work drama, and stuff. I think we sat there for over an hour just laughing and catching up. It was AWESOME! Equally awesome was my actual lunch, their BBQ Chicken Salad with a cornbread muffin. Delicious!

After lunch, we went to find the TJ MAXX by the Everett Mall and scored some really cute stuff there before heading home.

When I picked up Macy, I was thrilled to see her! I missed her! What a feeling!

A day away was good for my attitude for sure. Something about not being on a schedule, allowing yourself to be selfish for a couple hours, and not having any responsibility. I was so thankful.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Baby Shower

My Mom is part of a group called "The Praying Moms" that pray for their families and kids throughout the month. They support each other, and throw baby showers and bridal showers when one of their kids gets married or has their first baby. It is a very special group of women, and an honor to be invited to one of their showers. :) Mom hosted a Praying Moms Baby Shower Sunday and Macy and I got to come! I helped finish up these darling cupcakes! Do you see what they are supposed to be?
My Mom does such a great job making a shower look so pretty.

Katie helped majorly with these cupcakes. I always tell people if her voice ever goes, don't worry, she can totally make a living decorating cupcakes and arranging flowers. Katie definitely got all the artistic genes in the family, that's for sure!
Macy will not be attending another shower for a very long time. It was an experiment gone wrong, let me tell you! I thought it would be neat for the ladies to see the girl they've been praying for, (which was great) but Macy thought they were all there JUST for her. Not sure if it's too early to start teaching the lesson, "Life isn't all about you, Macy." :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm getting sick of cleaning.

I've been blogging so much lately for my parents. They went to Mexico last week with some friends and I knew if I didn't write down what we did every day I would forget! Sure enough, we went over to visit Macy's Grandpa and Grammy today and I couldn't think of one thing we'd done since they left! Ha! I'm losing it!

I am a person who cleans for fun. If you don't know me well, you may be surprised to hear when I was young I would clean out my friend's closets. I still do, actually, only now they appreciate it! I've cleaned as a job before, I clean when I'm stressed out or feel like life is out of control, I have no problem cleaning at all. Until lately. I feel like all I do anymore is clean up Macy, clean up after Macy, clean Macy's laundry, put away her laundry, clean up the toy room, just...clean! That high chair is the bane of my existence! How is it possible that thing can always be dirty!?!?

I am REALLY looking forward to Monday, AKA Katie and Molly Day that I plan on eating, drinking coffee and shopping my way through. Katie is gearing up to be gone until late June and leaves Thursday. I can't wait to spend quality time with my sister and away from my Mommy duties! Hopefully it will put into perspective that scrubbing down a baby and high chair about 6 times a day isn't a bad way to spend your time! :) I KNOW it will be good for my sanity!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

We had a morning at home today and it was probably the 3rd time she has tried to take off her own sweater, by herself. It's a trick she figured out about a week ago, and Gabe confessed today to teaching her how to unzip a sweatshirt, but she still hasn't mastered pulling her arms out unless it's really loose. I caught her practicing again today!

Macy seemed normal this morning but had two very short naps today and when I got home from doing a ton of errands around 3:30, she was acting like a bear! I think it's teeth, since she was whiney and crying on and on even when I held her, but it's enough to drive you up the wall! She was very happy when the clock turned 6:15 PM and she got into the bath. It was a looong afternoon. Tomorrow we gotta get her out of this house!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It snowed at our house last night and I thought Macy would get a kick playing in it for the first time. I didn't factor in the 25 degree reality, or that she had never worn mittens before and...well...the second her feet hit the snow she started screaming.
After the quick addition of another hat, she biffed it, hard. Poor baby! Face first!
She did NOT appreciate that, and wouldn't stop screaming until I took her back inside.
Macy's first day in the snow lasted about 90 seconds. :)
Once we got inside again she was happy! And then I noticed the great job I did getting her dressed today. Hahaha!
She wouldn't let me fix her buttons! I think she rocked this look. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Macy and I had Bible Study this morning, which was fabulous! Macy wore a pink dress with a black turtleneck under it and her white tights with mary janes on the feet. She took a long nap when we got home wearing all that, and a coat! I didn't have the heart to wake her up taking the coat off and it was 28 degrees out today!

I was feeding Macy her bottle after her nap and Gabe brought me some clothes to change her into. My darling husband is color-blind and pink and red look the same to him. He brought these pink pants and red striped socks to go with this turtleneck! We had a laugh and I put them on her since I love when Gabe picks out clothes from Macy's dresser, whatever they are.

We headed downstairs and I remembered the bag of hand-me-downs my friend Susan gave me this morning for Macy and wouldn't you know the most perfect pair of furry black boots made this outfit one of my new favorites????

They have flowers on the sides!!!!! Macy LOVES shoes. She gets so excited to try them on, she gathers up Gabe and my shoes by the front door every day and carries them around the house. She hoards them on her little nook. It's so so funny to watch her! Check her out! I was singing, "These boots are made for walkin', and that's just what they'll do..."

She was flinging Gabe's flip-flop here. :) PS: That's my boot...makes hers look pretty tiny, huh?

Right after this, she pulled her boot OFF. Then, pointed to another pair we got today. Baby KEENS! She wanted to try it on...
Love this. The KEEN foot looks tiny. The boot foot looks like a wooly mammoth!
Believe it or not, Macy found the other matching shoe and held it up for me, like, "Please, mom? They need to match." LOVE THIS GIRL!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My friend Lynn and Macy's friend Renny came over for a visit today! Renny is the SWEETEST little girl. 2 1/2 and loves babies. She is super quiet, very smart and lets Macy follow her everywhere. We laughed and laughed when Renny was "feeding" Macy her sippy cup and then "held" her. :)
Macy wrapped her little lets around Renny and held on for dear life! Thanks for the visit, girls!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Gabe starts working nights tonight so while he slept in this morning, Macy and I went and picked up our tax return and played at home after that. We took the Jeep in to the shop when Gabe woke up since the check engine light came on a couple days ago.

Macy enjoys her Daddy SO much. They are buddies and she follows him everywhere he goes. First thing in the morning she looks at me and says, "Dad!?" I have to explain where he is all the time to that girl. :)
Macy had a major melt-down today after her nap. She was inconsolable and freaked OUT when she woke up. She continued the screaming and crying beyond the Tylonel I gave her, playing, reading books...I finally took her for a car ride to Little Ceasors and the 7-11 for milk and that seemed to cheer her up. I think more teeth are coming, which is a bummer since I tweeked my back really bad around the time Macy woke up from her nap and was dying trying to make her happy and stretch... Ug.

I took these pics after she climbed up the stairs for her bath. Bathtime did not help my back as she thinks it's funny to swim away from me when it's time to get her out of the tub and that reaching/lifting thing sent me to my knees!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Macy has made a very good friend at church. We call him Mr. Red. Red and Macy bonded when Macy was very young, at church, when he put his finger out to her and she grabbed onto it. Red is a very nice older man (near 80, I think) whose wife passed away last week and I've been thinking about him ever since I heard. Today, Red was there when we walked in the door and lit up when he saw Macy. She held her arms out to him and he gave her a huge smile, held her close and she laid her head on his shoulder and patted him. It made me tear up! He said, "Thank you little one." :')

I am so thankful for our little darling blessing who makes so many people feel special with her smiles and love.

After church, Grandma Van Kooten and Katie came over for lunch! It was fun to have an all girls day and play with Macy in her own house. I kept trying to take the perfect picture of these three girls but Macy wasn't having it. She is crazy for her Great-Grandma, especially patting her hair and trying to rip her glasses off. :)

Grandma was enjoying a cookie and Macy saw where she got one and helped herself. Then shared of course!
Some for me...
And some for you...!
This is the BEST invention of our time, folks! My sister discovered this gem, called the Swifter for Dusting or something and told me I had to get one. After using it on the dashboard of my car and LOVING it, and since I found a coupon (thanks Jamie!) for a buy one, get refills for free, I splurged yesterday at Rite Aid and now it's my favorite thing. It extends, bends, is made of microfiber- the dust clings to the pad, which you just throw out! I was going around my house all day dusting since the sun was out and I could see how filthy everything looked! Treat yourself this spring and you won't be sorry!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

We had a very full and fun day today. Started by visiting some of our favorite boys (The Silves Brothers) and then headed to play with Mason and Jamie, then off to see friends that we haven't seen for WAY too long.
This is Karis MacSwan. I haven't seen her in months and couldn't believe how she's grown! She is a doll, the youngest of three, and has white blond hair that I think is gorgeous. :)
This is about as close as Macy wanted to get to a baby! Thanks for all the fun today Tanya, Jamie and Sjana!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

I cleaned for my Grandpa this morning and dropped Macy off at Anna's house. She LOVES to play there. Between the piano, bird, dog, fish Anna and Micaela it's pretty much baby heaven. When I picked her up today she was rocking out to the piano, on Anna's lap trying to climb it. :) I am so thankful for such a wonderful babysitter. Later today Macy walked over to a picture we have of the Pimeno girls and pointed to Anna. I said, "Say Anna." And Macy goes, "Anna." Clear as a bell. WOW.

After that, we headed to see Auntie Kate and play for awhile. Macy got lunch and a nap and Katie and I got lots done. I organized coupons and vacuumed out and detailed my car. I told Gabe yesterday that I wanted to clean all of our vehicles and gave myself 11 days to get it done. Ha! One down!
Katie and I were looking for something downstairs and came across this OLD train that Katie thought Macy would be into now. She got up from her nap and wouldn't even drink her bottle, instead, bee-lined for the train and climbed on herself. This is another new thing she is doing- getting onto and off of toys. It's so weird to watch our baby grow into a toddler. She's walking, climbing, pulling, dragging. It's crazy!

Katie had these 3 lb weights out and her yoga mat and Macy was very into them. It was all she could do to lift one of these babies and haul it across the room, but she managed! All the weight lifting must be helping because FINALLY, today, at almost 14 months, Macy started saying please in sign language. All it is is patting her chest, but she WOULD NOT do it before today on command! Tonight, for teddy grahams I got "please" signed at least 12 times. Let's see if it sticks tomorrow!
New favorite pic of Macy with her Auntie Kate. This was in the middle of a train ride marathon that ended up being about 6 times around the island. :) We love you Auntie Kate!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gabe, Macy and I are spending a very nice, quiet day at home today! It has been laid back and fun to be together with nothing we HAVE to do. (I have a list of about 14 things I could do, but you get the point). I spent about 30 min in Macy's room alone this morning, organizing, going through clothes and seeing what she has that will fit right now and sorted everything out. I found these shoes I bought last summer and realized they fit her now! I also found the bracelet Mom and Dad bought Macy last year in Mexico and it fits too! We had a little try-on session and Macy was rocking her new look. :)
Here's the new gate! See the bracelet and shoes? Gotta love dressing up little girls, I tell you, the accessories are the BEST!

Macy just recently started paying attention that there are stairs in our house. Until this week she really never went to them on her own. Lately, she has been over there waay too much and we put this gate up yesterday. Now she is constantly at the bottom of the stairs reefing on the gate screeching. Hopefully she'll get used to it, just like when we kid-proofed the cupboards she loved to empty 10 times a day. :)