Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gram's Celebration of Life. November 30, 2010

We celebrated Grammy today at Grace Baptist Church at 2:00 PM. Every single member of our 37 strong family was there, except Bryce, Ryan and Tara. 34/37 is pretty good for a Tuesday. :) It was a beautiful service, that lasted an hour and 5 minutes. Surprising it didn't go longer to capture all Grammy was to so many people. We had a welcome, prayer, sang songs (When we all get to heaven, I'll Fly Away), heard a Psalm, Katie sang, "How Great Thou Art," watched a WONDERFUL video of pictures of Grammy, Fred spoke, Sharon spoke, Heidi spoke, and Luke sang, "Freely." Dave Dunkin gave a short message and we all sang "Surely goodness and mercy" as we filed out.

I think nearly everyone there cried. I sure did. After the service we met in their fellowship hall for coffee and cookies and spent time together. Once all the kids got there we weren't weepy anymore and had a minute to get some pictures.
Heidi and Annie.
Heidi and Abbie.
Heidi and Ellie.

This one cracked me up. I think they are all at the same stage, don't you?
Watch the way Abbie is always patting or touching Macy. It's SO SWEET! I love it!

Grammy had 13 Grandchildren and 11 Great-Grandchildren. Here are 5 of the "Greats!" Believe it or not, 8 of them are 5 or under!!!! From the left: Ellie, Annie, Macy, Abbie, and Elliot who is only a month younger than Macy!
Katie got home from London last night, as usual, bearing gifts. The latest addition to Macy's wardrobe collection is this hysterical hat, London style!!! :) Thanks, Kates, we love it.

Macy's first date...A Rite Aid run!

I recently went to a class about couponing and learned TONS of ways to save money. Several friends went to the same class and we have been putting out heads together and supporting each other figuring out how to save money on stuff our families use all the time. Surprisingly, Rite Aid has become my new favorite store for deals. It is unreal how much money you can save if you work deals, stack coupons and use those UP rewards!

Jamie and I went together after I called to tell her about my amazing trip and took the kids. We rounded the corner and both stopped and went, "Awww. They look so CUTE!"

Look at all this stuff I got!!!!! Out of pocket? $11.00 with $5.00 to use the next time I go.

Triplet Time!

With Grammy's burial and memorial 5 days apart, we have had lots of wonderful family time this week. Macy and the girls continue to LOVE each other deeply and I have a feeling Macy's next words are going to be... Annie...Abbie...Ellie...LUKEY!
Uncle Jed reading everyone a bedtime story. :)

We love you Uncle Bryce!

Usually when Bryce is home I'm snapping away trying to get a great picture of him with Macy. This time only took one click for the perfect shot. We love you Bryce! Counting down till Christmas. :)

Thanksgiving 2010.

We went to Gabe's Uncle Larry and Aunt Robyn's house for Thanksgiving this year. They have an adorable house right on the water near Lummi and it is an honor to be invited to share their table. Robyn is Jewish, and her step-dad Charlie is Kosher, so they have a Kosher turkey every year to honor him. (Do you know what that means? I asked my first year there and found out Kosher means the turkey's feet never touch the ground and it is blessed by a Rabbi).
My sister found this bib at TJ MAXX and bought it for Macy. :) It's so true. This year, probably more than ever I am realizing how much in my life I have to be thankful for.
My husband
My daughter
My family
My friends
My warm, beautiful house
My Savior
My church family
and everything else I could ever need or want.

What Macy has been up to...

Macy and I went with my family to visit Grammy one morning last week and Dad had this idea to keep Macy's ears warm. :)
Macy and Uncle Bryce.
Thrill of a lifetime...? Muli-grain Cheerios! Here's to mixin' it up!
Scored some REAL cowgirl boots to go with this latest "Heather Outfit" at North Gate Mall at the INCREDIBLE Gymboree store there. Almost worth the drive for those sales and variety, let me tell you! When we saw Grammy this day we came in singing, "These boots were made for walkin'...and that's just what they'll do..." :)
Although I SCORED this carseat from a friend at a garage sale, it isn't good until 30 lbs, which Macy is still far from. It was sooo cold this day that the coat I had her in (see below) would barely fit being buckled into her baby seat. It was time for an upgrade so off to Target we went!
She couldn't even crawl in this outfit she was so bundled up. I was laughing and laughing. :)

The Bus Trip!

Since Gabe had a day of fun for his birthday, the next day, I got my day of fun! Our church had a mystery shopping bus trip this year, and it was great! My buddy for the day was Tanya Silves (right). Since Mom was in the hospital with Grammy, these two sister-in-laws (named Tanya and Tanya) "adopted" me into their group for the day and we had a great time. We went to Grandiflora and had the whole place to ourselves, then University Center, then Northgate. The highlight for us new coupon-ers was a massive Target near North Gate that we found with elevators and escalators. It was incredible! The baby section was 7 aisles!!!! Got my Christmas shopping started for sure.

On the way home it snowed like crazy and began that cold snap...very scary on a bus at midnight! We made it home, though, and it was SUCH a nice break to be with grown-ups and eat out with no children TWICE in one day! What a treat! Thanks for the very fun day girls!

November 18, 2010, Happy Birthday Gabe!

November 18th is my husband's birthday! He turned 37 this year, and to celebrate ALL their birthdays, Dad, Gabe and Bryce (along with Gabe's friend Rory) went to the Huskies game. Bryce flew in for it, and we picked him up from the airport.

It took Macy a while to "remember" her Uncle...it had been a couple months since she'd seen him! Mom came through with some very fun presents, Gabe's favorite being this new W sweatshirt! Perfect!

I love how each guy took a turn holding their mascot and cheerleader. :) So sweet.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

In Memory of my Grammy.

Most of you already know, but for those of you that don't, my Grammy had a major stroke on Tuesday. She was unresponsive when the ambulance got her to the hospital and after the neurosurgeon said it was a 9.5 out of 10 in severity, my Grandpa opted not to do any heroic measures. Nearly the whole family gathered that day to say goodbye since they assured us once the breathing machine was taken off, Gram wouldn't be able to breathe on her own. Gram proved the doctors wrong and had been breathing just fine, resting comfortably until last night.

I have brought Macy nearly every day to spend time with Gram, Grandpa and everyone else that happened to be in the room. She seemed to bring levity and smiles. Our family is incredible. Not one argument or disagreement in how to move forward. Sharon and Mom took turns sleeping with Gram at night, Lisa and Ginnie shared staying with Grandpa.

Today hardly anyone was up for going to church, we wanted to spend more time with Gram. I dropped Bryce off with Grammy and Mom and went to put Macy down for her nap at Grandpa's house and got to the care center about 10:45 AM, in time to hear Lisa and Mom taking turns reading scripture. Mom had stayed the night with Gram and had been playing music through her phone all morning to her. Bryce had been reading the Bible to her this morning, too.

Sharon grabbed a hymnal and said we should sing some songs, and the 3rd one in was, "On Christ the Solid Rock I stand." Since we all knew that one, and had warmed up a little, we really sang it out...it was good. So good Macy was joining in, shrieking along when Mom stood up and I heard Lisa start to cry. While we were praising Jesus in harmony, my Grammy slipped away, so peacefully I didn't even know it.

I'll never sing that song again without crying.
My Grammy loved babies. Her famous quote was, "Sheas don't have ugly babies!" She hated polk-a-dots and made a comment anytime she saw them. She never could quite tell you why she hated them, just explained it's probably why she hated her freckles, or "angel kisses" too. She loved her friends and routines. "Foo-Foo Fridays" with her hairdresser, Mary, "The Game" with Nancy on Friday or Saturday, "The Prime Timers" at church, "Tulip Tour Trips," Dave Dunkin's Sunday School Class and Choir Practice. She LOVED to sing! Every year for Easter Grammy was in the cantata and every year she would ask all of us to go and after two services, she would race home, the last to arrive for the dinner she was throwing for 40+ people and on her way breezing through the house she would stop, ask if we liked the cantata and we would say it was wonderful, and she would say, "Yep, Grandpa said it was the best ever." Grammy never knew a stranger and would invite people to join our holiday meals all the time. She has more friends than anyone I know. During this week, I've realized that my friends consider her a friend. Mom and Sharon said the same thing. What an incredible women to stay relevant and remember her children's children's friends!

My best friend Heather and I stayed with Grammy and her best friend Leona during the state basketball tournament when we were 14. Right before bed Heather asked why Grammy and Leona had their heads wrapped in toilet paper...? Grammy said, "To keep the curl in!"

Gram grew raspberries and Katie and I would stay with her for about a month every summer during berry season. She drove a truck around Lynden dubbed the "Berry Bus" and picked up 10-12 kids every day for work. She would listen to Rush Limbaugh and all those other quacky radio guys that tell you to take Citrocal every day for your bones. We would always beg for music and she would say no! Not during 1-3 PM! Grammy was the best at waking you up. She would quietly "yell" down the stairs, "Girls....? Time to wake up...!" In the softest, nicest voice. I loved when we got to stay with Grammy.

Gram always had stale cereal and stale ice cream. She also always had BOTH creamy and crunchy peanut butter in those huge canisters, which was delicious! She always said, "Help yourself, take whatever you want" when you were hungry or asked for a cookie or candy. Grammy was a great cook. She collected cookbooks and always tried new recipes. She was obsessed with Jello. Some holidays we would have 10, and 8 of them were terrible!!!! She would laugh and say, "What's the diff?"

Grammy was proud of each one of us and told us that all the time. She was THRILLED when Macy was born, even though Macy was Gram's 10th Great-Grandchild. She had one grandson and 3 great-grandchildren born on Halloween and loved to tell people that followed with, "I should get a prize for that!" Macy has Grammy's exact dimple on the right side of her mouth. I would always point it out and Grammy would say, "I guess I do have that!" She got such a kick out the fact that Macy thought Grandpa was so funny. Every time she sees Grandpa Boyd, Macy smiles...she has since she was 2 months old. For some reason, he cracks her up! Grammy used to laugh and laugh at that.

Grammy loved my Grandpa. Her advice a couple weeks ago when Mom asked her what she would say to new couples was, "You have to be friends before you can be anything else." Last night, even though her movement was slowing and her breathing changing, when Grandpa kissed her, she kissed him back. Friends till the end.
Dear Grammy,

I'm going to miss you so much. It was a gift to be your Grand-daughter and learn all you taught me. You were honest, hard working and loved your husband deeply. You made friends easily and loved to have fun and do new things. I admire the way you made people feel welcome and would gather younger women to yourself and act as a Mom even though you weren't related. I think the way you could laugh at yourself made you so funny.

I feel like you're going to call me any minute and ask when we're having Mom's birthday lunch.
Christmas Eve will never be the same. I can't tease you about not cleaning out your laundry room this Friday like you promised me you would.

Grammy, I know you are in heaven right now singing with the angels, but life will never be the same without you. There have been a lot of tears today and more will come because of the difference you made in our lives.

All my love,

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I am THRILLED Katie is home. Sure, it's for 4 days, but I've missed her like crazy! Katie's actually the one that got my rear in gear to start blogging again, have you noticed the 14 day hiatus? :)

I have been coupon-ing, actually, and trying to stay positive while Gabe has worked 47 nights in a row, besides 3 mandatory nights off where he basically slept for 18 hours. It has been rough, people. Definitely the longest haul since he started at Tesoro 5 years ago, but hard because we have Macy now and every day seems to be a milestone and although he wouldn't rather be anywhere but here with us, he has to work to provide for our family and allow me to stay home with Macy. Tonight is his last night, then four off, then four nights and back on schedule and I am sooo thankful!

Bless my sister. She is babysitting Wednesday night so Gabe and I can go out on a real date! I am thrilled! Anyway, back to our mini photo op today. I just put them all in so Katie can tell me her favorite. :)
Katie got this on the first try! She is SO good behind a camera. :) Oh yes, I forgot to mention Heather came, as usual, bearing gifts. 4 coats and an outfit mind you. This is one of them! She really is a Fairy Godmother. I think that's what I'm going to teach Macy to call her. Ha!
Some important girls in my Dad's life. Good job Dad!!!!

How could you not love this Fairy Godmother?

Yesterday we spent with Heather at the Burton's house and Macy had a BALL. Steve, Vicki and Heather let Macy play with everything and they think it's so funny that she is so curious.
Vicki even hauled out a box so she could have her own "fort." :)
She loved crawling under the bar chairs!
It was like playing obstacle course all day!
Then, things got quiet, I looked over and saw Heather "showing" Macy the fish, and before I knew it, Macy was FISHING for the fish. Arms in... and she almost got one!

Heather thought it was the funniest thing ever. Macy would lunge for the tank and thrust both arms in as fast as she could and her little fingers were grabbing for fish. I probably should have videoed it just to hear Heather laughing so hard. It was awesome.

Next, Vicki showed Macy her baking cupboard...

That was a hit for sure!

They had the neighbors over for dinner, which was delicious and I couldn't get over how old these boys are now. I babysat for Colton and Carson when they were TINY and now Colton is a Senior in high school and Carson a Sophomore. Unreal!

I made them pose to show everyone how grown up and handsome they have turned out. :) Thanks, boys!