Monday, April 26, 2010

An Update

Sheesh. It's been over a week since I've blogged? That can't be right!

I do have a few updates...

1. Macy rolled over!!! It's happened 3 days in a row, then today, nothing. Katie actually saw it for the first time! SO exciting, she does the "Superman" and then just flops right over, belly to back.

2. Macy's 4 month Dr visit is looming... Thursday we will find out where she is on the growth chart, and I will sob through her second dose of shots. I HATE watching her get shots. I'm dreading it big-time.

3. The 7th person burned in the fire at Tesoro, Matt Gumble died this week. That means all 7 of the people that were hurt by the fire have died. It is an awful loss and we are still praying daily for the families of the victims.

4. A really good friend named Nathan Korthuis, 22, was in a terrible motorcycle accident this week. He is at Harborview in Seattle being treated for a huge list of injuries. He had a 7 hour surgery today that went well, and has many more ahead of him.

5. The diet is going really well. I found out that since I am breastfeeding, I get 10 additional "points"!!! This means I have to "limit" my intake to 37 points a day. This is very doable, to say the least. I am down 2 lbs! Hooray! Only 30+ to go! :)

6. Katie & I are going to Wenatchee with Macy for the weekend for a mini get-away and for the Apple Blossom Parade they have every year. I went last year with my great friend Heather and it was super fun, I can't believe then I was only 5 weeks pregnant and had only told a couple people. Now, a 4 month old!!!!!!!! What a miracle.

7. I left my camera at my parent's house yesterday so no pictures to share today. I do have a video of Macy rolling over (two actually) so I'll get that up soon.

1 comment:

  1. What an update Molly. So sorry to hear that the last survivor has now died. Such a tragedy.

    And Macy rolling over! How cool is that?

    Wyatt has his 9 month appointment on Thursday morning too. We'll see how the two stack up percentile wise!

    We better get proof of the rolling soon, and I can't wait to hear how the rest of your week goes!
